Chapter 6 -- I Am Going To A Public Bath!?

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'I hate periods!'

Never in my life did I ever expect that I would have to endure monthly cycles. But I suppose being cute does come with a painful price.

I was barely surviving my own metamorphosis into a teenage girl, but this was something that just pushed me over the top. Luckily my sister was very understanding and did everything in her power to help me cope with the pain and the bleeding.

Stepping out of the restroom, groaning "That is probably the worst experience in my whole life!" as it felt like I had a diaper on. I returned to the living room as my sister asked.

"Now, did you put it on correctly?" she asked, working on her homework.

"I think so."

"You think so?" she asked, looking up from her paper "It will not work to keep your clothes clean if you get all sloppy with it."

"Do I really have to wear it?!" I whined "It is so stiff! Not to mention, it feels really weird down there!" I sat down as my sister set her assignment aside and grinned.

"I know that it is annoying to wear, but you will soon get used to it." she then offered an alternative "But if you do not want to wear a pad, you can always use a tampon."

"Tampon..." as I pondered about that word. I've heard about tampon's when I was a guy, but I never took the time to learn about them "...what exactly is a tampon?"

"It is a wonderful substitute for a pad!" sister answered "Instead of wearing a pad on the outside, you stick it up inside."

"Stick inside!?" I quivered at the horrible thought of pushing something deep inside me! Yet, as I sat here on the couch, I hated the feeling of the pad between my legs. "I suppose it would be worth trying. To see if I prefer it over a pad."

"Oh really!" as sister got up and walked over to her purse to start digging around. "I know there is one somewhere inside here." she finally found her spare tampon as she handed me something like a little white missile.

"Do you know how to put it in?" she asked me as I shook my head, terrified. "It is quite easy, string-side out and plastic barrel-side in. Push as far as it is comfortable, and then be certain to pull out the plastic barrel, leaving only the string and absorbent inside."

"And that is it?! I can just leave it in there?" I asked her.

"Oh heavens, no!" she laughed "You will need to change it every four to six hours. You certainly do not want a bacterial infection up there! Also! Never wear tampons at night! This is strictly a daytime item; you will still have to wear a pad at night."

"Okay." I worried.

"Do not worry, Nanami-chan." she comforted me "I will help you this one time, so you do not accidentally hurt yourself. Come..." as she took my hand and took me back to the restroom. I looked at the tampon, and then looked back up at her.

"So...this goes in..." as I looked down as I felt sick. I glanced up at my sister as she was waiting "This is so uncomfortable! So, can—"

"No, no!" she shook her head "You are a big girl now, so you must do it yourself."

"Eugh..." as I debated if this would be worth it. I figured that it would be best to get it done as I prepared to insert it inside me...


I was buried deep under my comforter as I wasn't coming out after enduring a terrible experience with the dreaded tampon. I was still wearing the pad as I wished that I had waited to try on the tampon.

My sister was preparing the bath as she was singing a happy melody to herself. She walked over as she asked the bathtub "Well, Mr. Tub, are you all warm and ready for my imouto-chan!?" she dipped her finger into the tub to check the temperature of the water as she quickly pulled out her finger, shivering.

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