Chapter 12 -- I Am Going To Be All Alone Tonight!?

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I was in my room, playing a world-building game as my sister knocked on the door and then walked over and knelt down on the floor as she bowed her head as if she had done something egregious.

"Nanami-chan, I am sorry, but I have to leave you." she said, stunning me.

"Say what?!" as my heart skipped a beat. I could not believe that my sister was going away "Bu—but why, Keiko?! Did I do something wrong!?" as I dropped to the floor and placed my hands out in front of me and then bowed with my head just an inch above the floor. "Please do not leave me!"

Sister glanced at me as she quickly replied "I am honored that you care that much, Nanami-chan! All I am trying to say is that I have to leave you home alone tonight so that I can do some research at the University lab. I need you to watch over the house while I am gone. You can do that, right?"

"Ri—right!" I nodded as I was a mixture of glee, joy, and relief. Sister wasn't leaving me; she was just leaving the house for a night. "Don't worry! I am professional when it comes to protecting the house! You can count on me!"

"I do not think that being a 'professional' NEET is such a good thing, Nanami!" sister groaned as I just giggled, teasing her. "Can you at least handle 24 hours without me?"

"Do not worry, Onee-chan!" I told her, walking with her to the living room to see her off. "Remember, I took care of you when you were sick! I got this!"

"You ruined my clothing in the wash, and forgot the noodles in chicken noodle soup!" she admonished me "What about preparing your own meals?"

"Please, do not worry!" I told her "I can survive off of bento boxes from the convenience store, if I must."

"Okay." as she left me some money on the counter "This is for your meals. Also, please clean up the house, it really needs it!"

"I make no guarantee! Do not forget; I am still on strike!" I scolded her.

"Hehe..." my sister laughed as that made me deeply uncomfortable. "Alright then, I will be off now! Be certain to lock this door!"

"Don't worry..." I smiled "...I will be fine! Now go, do what you need to do at the University. I will see you tomorrow."

Sister took one last glance at me as she then closed the door, and I quickly locked it, nearly jumping for joy! I looked all around as I had this house all too myself once again. I could imagine the hundreds of things that I could do without my sister reprimanding me.

"I am finally free!" as I twirled around, spinning out my dress as I danced in the living room. It was such a strange feeling to have a house made for three, to only have one person occupying it.

I plopped down on the sofa as I looked around the living room. It hardly looked dirty to my standards as I shrugged my shoulders. 'Guess I can now freely use the living room without Onee-chan getting all to upset.' I closed my eyes, listening to the pure silence as I loved it!

'You know...I do not even need to go out for dinner!' I grinned 'I can just call in an order and have it delivered to the front door!'

I had everything all planned out.

I wasn't planning on leaving the safety of this house if I did not need to! They say that the most violent criminals and sex offenders come out at night. I got up and closed the curtains to the windows as I most certainly did not need peeping toms looking in!

I glanced down at the skirt and blouse that I was wearing as I smiled so bright "Oh yeah! With Onee-chan gone, I can finally change into something more suitable for my taste." I marched myself to a closet as I had found where Onee-chan had hid some of my old clothing, when she was sick.

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