Chapter 10 -- I Am My Onee-Chan's Nurse!?

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When we got home from our trip to the mall, I sat in my room as I would occasionally look at the package that held the swimsuit inside. Much of my transition into a girl has been an illusion of resistance to keep my sister off of my back; but the truth, I was taking joy in my rebirth.

The truth is: my life as Jeremy Kallis was now in ruins. I was days away from swallowing pills just to ease the agony. I did things that caused me pain, just to remind myself that I was still alive. But now, I am thriving and doing well. I could restart my life and avoid all the failures that I experienced as Jeremy.

I walked over to the gift that was bestowed upon me by Miki, opening the package and pulling out the swimsuit. I looked at the bikini as I was glad that they also suggested that I also accept the skirtini as part of the costume.

I decided to dress in the bikini as I had the perfect body for it.

I would twirl around and then came up with a brilliant idea as I quickly got dressed and then went over to my sister's room. Knocking on the door, I heard sis walking over as she opened it.


"Uhm, can I take a bath now?" I asked her as sister nodded, allowing me.

She turned on the water and then set out a new nightdress that she had bought for me to wear. "There you go. Enjoy!"

"Thank you!" I grinned as I shut the door and quickly undressed. I was still dressed in my swimsuit as I giggled and stepped into the bath to try out my new swimsuit. It was strange to wear clothing into the tub, but I could not help but to be happy as I was still clothed and thrilled to wear my swimsuit in secrecy.

"Miki-chan does have good taste in fashion." as I relaxed and closed my eyes. I heard the door slide open as sister had her phone and snapped a picture of me in my swimsuit, enjoying my bath.

"Ah!" I yelped, stunned.

She laughed as she then said "I thought that there was a reason why you wanted to take a bath early, especially when you usually do not take baths until bed! You look so cute, imouto-chan! Especially when you are so shy!"

[Snap] she took another picture and then sent it to Miki with the following text:

[Nanami took the opportunity to try on the swimsuit that you bought her. She looks so cute in the bath! 😊]

"Onee-chan!" I cried, submerging myself.


One week had passed as sister had taken me back to the AEON shopping mall to meet up with Miki. This time we did not go shopping as Miki was treating us to a movie as thanks for the images of both sister and I wearing our swimsuit and seeming to love them.

I cannot remember the last time that I watched a movie with my sister and a friend. I loved this feeling of being included as I sat between the two of them as I happily sipped on my flavored drink.

About an hour into the film, nature was calling as I fidgeted in my seat, hoping that I could outlast the film and use the restroom afterwards. But that drink that I had consumed about an hour before had put on the pressure as I could not hold it in for very long.

I whispered to sister as I rose from my seat "Be back, I need to use the restroom." as she nodded, whispering.

"Okay. Hurry back."

I showed myself outside the theater room as I was grumbling over the annoying little bladder that I now possessed. It would seem that I have been going to the restroom more often recently. Having to face which I was missing between my legs. Luckily, I have gotten used to sitting on the toilet now, and the shock of my womanhood was now in the past.

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