Chapter 9 -- I Am Going Swimsuit Shopping!?

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Sister stood in my doorway as she looked flabbergasted. She then had to ask me again "Are you completely sure? Once it is done, you cannot get them back."

I was putting all the really lewd manga's away into a box as I nodded "Yes, I want that gone. Please don't put them in storage, the contents in their pages would haunt me." I looked at one manga with a naked woman in the arms of some demon as I then asked myself "I wonder what wickedness had compelled me to want to read this. It completely demonizes women!"

"I am proud of you, Nanami." my sister said, lifting a box to carry to the trash "What about the other manga's; like Kimi no Na Wa?" as she pointed to the three tomes near my girl-stuff.

"They are not lewd." I said, walking over, pulling one off the shelf "I like to read it, it has a guy who switches lives with a girl...feels sort of familiar with my own life."

"Except we do not have a comet coming to obliterate us...I hope!" sister grinned. Sister then glanced at the many other books untouched as she then asked "And those?" motioning to the eleven volumes sitting on my shelf.

"Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san?" I asked "They come close to being lewd, but they are not. Besides, I really like the message in them. Have you read The Helpful Fox Senko-san?" I asked.

"No, I've never really been into manga's." sister then took her leave as she cleared my lewd books and left me with about 10% of my original manga's that still consisted of one seinen (for young adult men) manga series, one shōnen (for teenage boys) manga and many shōjo (for adolescent girls) manga's that my sister seemed to approve.

With the traumatizing manga's finally gone, I rested on the floor, turning on the television as I watched a few programs that could be considered somewhat cartoonish and childish. Sister came back to check up on me as she knelt beside me, watching the cartoon with me.

"Is this a little young for you to be watching, Nanami-chan?" she asked me.

"No." I replied, transfixed on the imaginary world "Besides, I am 13 years old again."

"I thought that you were 21?" she asked me, poking at my insecurities.

"I was 21." I answered "But that was a lifetime ago. I am now 13 years old...I cannot help if my mind has somehow regressed to having an active imagination once again! I forgot how amazing it was to make believe and to find everything in this world as a miracle!"

"Aww!" she smiled, so happy to hear me admitting that "My imouto-chan is finally starting to accept herself! Because you have been such a good girl, how about we head out together, go somewhere?"

"Aaah," I worried "you know that I do not like leaving home. It is so dangerous out there, Onee-chan! I should know..." as I thought about my disastrous past "...I've seen it."

"You need to reclaim your life back, Nanami." My sister told me, taking my hand "And sitting here, hiding in your room is not going to solve all your problems. How can my big brother protect me, if he is too afraid to even step outdoors?"

"Grrr...." as I hate it when she uses my masculinity against me.


This time, my sister had me experience the train as we rode to the other town that had an AEON shopping mall. I did not like the idea of moving so rapidly through the communities as I could picture a hundred ways that I could die. Not to mention that there was the constant looming fear of earthquakes in the back of my mind.

Japan was like a geological rollercoaster of volcanoes, earthquakes and landslides. Not to mention typhoons and tsunamis from the coast! Every minute outside was like tempting the Kami to do something really horrible to you!

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