Chapter 31 -- I Am Worried About My Feminine Figure!?

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Winter break was over...Third semester begins

I am sitting at the kotatsu on this chilly January morning, mourning my eventual return to school. I was dressed in my blues-and-whites, wearing my school uniform. I was happy enough that my school's uniform wasn't that of a 'sailor's uniform' style. I could just imagine how cold I would be wearing that!

"Onee-chan?" I asked my sister was she packed away my bento in my bag "What uniform does high school girl's wear?" I asked, worried.

"Already thinking that far ahead, hmm?" she asked me as I just nodded, sleepy "It really depends on what high school you enroll in."

"Oh..." as I soaked up the warmth of the heater under the table.

"Come on, get up!" My sister encouraged me "You have to go to school."

"But it is so cold!" I whined.

"That is why you have this!" as my sister wrapped my scarf around my neck as I got up and put on my school jacket that was allowed during the winter season.

My experience of Japan's weather found it hot and muggy in the summer and cold and snowy in the winter. One benefit about my home within the shadow of Mount Fuji is that it is usually cloudy, even in the summertime. The winters, like today, are usually somewhat clear and crisp.

"Thank you for the scarf..." I said as my sister just smiled.

"You are very welcome, Nanami-chan. Now, work hard at school, today."

"Okay..." as I opened the door and glanced at Keiko "...see you this evening."


I walked to school all alone, early in the morning, walking quietly down the street. Everyone that I encountered was dressed warmly to keep out the cold. I, however, shivered, scolding the weather as I made my way quickly to school.

"Why does it have to be so darn cold today!?" I glanced down at my flapping blue skirt as the wind sliced around my white tights that were my only guard against the elements.

All the years of Keiko complaining about wearing a skirt in winter when the boys can wear thermals under their pants, seemed unfair! I didn't understand her pain at the time, but now I finally understand this suffering, with firsthand experience. There is nothing a girl can do to keep her legs warm in the cold of winter.

"Hi Nanami-chan!" said Kaori, waving at me from across the street. She was walking to school with her older sister, Miki.

"Good morning!" Miki then said as I smiled, crossing the road as I noticed that she wasn't wearing anything to protect her legs from the cold and wind. She was completely 'bared-legged', as if it were summertime.

"Mi—Miki-chan!?" I gasped as I glanced at my bare whites "Aren't you cold!"

"Hmm?" she asked, glancing at her own bare legs "Ah, you mean my legs? To be honest, I am miserably cold!"

"Eeeh?" as I was confused.

"Has Keiko-chan not taught you about the importance of the feminine figure?" Miki asked me as I shook my head "A woman's greatest privilege is her divine beauty! Appearance means everything to a woman's success: from getting a good job, earning lots of money, finding a handsome man, and making a loving family. You are blessed to be born with natural beauty, Nanami-chan."

"I see..." joining them as I sighed out a white cloud of vapor '...being a girl is super hard! No wonder they can tolerate something as miserable as childbirth.' I froze in my mental dialogue as I then realized something that I did not want to admit 'Eeeeh...childbirth! I do not want to experience that level of pain!' Yet, I could not deny that there was a strange desire, for one day, to have a family of my own.

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