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orpheus stood beside wednesday at night, a sweater wrapped around his body in an effort to fight the cold. "why are we here?" he asked, lips pursed.

"the book has the same watermark as the one we need" wednesday said, motioning for orpheus to look at the book the statue of edgar allan poe held. "you're right" he hummed, staring at it in confusion.

orpheus shined his flashlight as he gazed at what it said on the book. it was a riddle, and this wednesday already knew as she pulled a notepad and a pen out of her pocket.

the two worked quickly, decoding the riddle in no time. they stood beside eachother as the paper revealed to say "snap twice".

with a smirk, the two stood beside the statue and snapped twice, the snaps in perfect sync. they watched with curious eyes as the statue moved and revealed a staircase going down.

hesitantly, the twins began to head down, orpheus flashing his flashlight around. he eyed the paintings around him as wednesday walked a bit ahead of him. "we better start looking" orpheus muttered upon seeing all of the books down there.

wednesday nodded in agreement and they split up, orpheus' guard down as he scanned the spines of the books. suddenly, he jumped in fright as a bag was placed over his head and arms were wrapped around his waist, keeping him in place.

orpheus made no effort to fight back as he was tied to a chair, the person who did it obviously doing a poor job. he kept his breathing even, wondering who it was that had done such a shitty job of kidnapping him.

it took no time for wednesday to wake up, as she had been knocked out, and as soon as she did the bags were removed from their heads. 'you okay?' wednesday thought, only earning a barely noticeable nod from orpheus.

the two noticed they were surrounded by people in purple robes, masks on their faces in a poor attempt to hide their identities.

there was a projector in front of them, flashing white. no doubt in an attempt to confuse the twins. "who dares breach our inner sanctum?" a voice spoke, causing orpheus to scoff.

"you can take the mask off, bianca." wednesday muttered. orpheus smirked as bianca sighed and took her mask off, everyone else following suit as she turned the projector off aswell.

orpheus raised a brow in surprise as he not only made eye contact with xavier, but also with ajax and aaron, who guilty smiled at him.

"wait, we preferred you with it on." orpheus said, mockingly frowning as bianca scoffed and glared at him. "how did you two even get down here?" xavier asked, unaware of how both orpheus and wednesday had already freed themselves of the rope tying them in place.

"rowan showed us." wednesday muttered, before motioning to orpheus. "left pocket." immediately, orpheus tensed as xavier reached into his pocket and pulled out a paper.

"we tracked the watermark to the poe statue." wednesday said as xavier looked down at the paper with a frown. "then we solved the riddle" orpheus added.

"wait, there's a riddle?" kent asked, a confused frown on his face as he looked around, "i thought we just snapped twice." he added, earning himself a deadpan look from orpheus.  "well, aren't you the brightest in the bunch?"

"the nightshades are an elite social club. emphasis on elite." bianca said, only prompting yoko to butt in, "we have roof parties, campouts, the occasional midnight skinny-dip."

"and yoko's an amateur mixologist." a girl beside bianca said, smirking at them. "she makes a killer virgin mojito, it can get pretty wild." ajax added, nodding proudly.

"wow, do you guys even have a bedtime?" orpheus asked sarcastically, causing their smiles to fall. "last we heard, the nightshades had been disbanded." wednesday said.

"yeah, the group kind of lost its charter thirty years ago after some normie kid died." xavier spoke from beside them, his eyes glued on orpheus. "but we have a lot of wealthy alumni, so weems looks the other way as long as nobody makes any waves" yoko said.

"someone like rowan?" wednesday was quick to ask, recognizing their masks from the one she had found under rowan's bed. "we booted that loser last semester."

"question is, what are we gonna do with them? only members are allowed in this library." bianca said, glaring down at the twins, who glared right back. "i say we invite them to pledge" xavier said, causing the others to be greatly confused.

"they are a legacy." he motioned to a picture of their mother and father as orpheus rolled his eyes in deep annoyance. "after the crap she pulled in the poe cup, there's no way in hell. we talk about not making waves? they're a tsunami." bianca said, jaw clenched in anger.

"just because i beat you at your own game?" wednesday asked, a smirk on her face. "let us save you the trouble." wednesday spoke, "we're not interested in joining." orpheus finished, voice flat as he glared straight at bianca. "you're seriously turning us down?" yoko asked, surprised.

"can you believe it?" wednesday asked, as orpheus shared a small look with xavier. "untie them." bianca sighed.

"we freed ourselves five minutes ago." the two spoke in sync, getting up and holding onto their ropes. orpheus glared up at xavier as he took the drawing back from him.

the twins didnt get far as kent stood in their way, his ugly black eye on show "do you want a matching black eye?" orpheus asked, voice low as he glared at kent, who immediately moved out of their way. "it's amateurs like you who give kidnapping a bad name." wednesday said as orpheus threw the rope behind him before disappearing up the stairs and into the cold night.

note: GUYS OMG so i got my crush a candy gram but it was anonymous and i was there when he got it and he smiled and asked his friends if they got it for him but they said no

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note: GUYS OMG
so i got my crush a candy gram but it was anonymous and i was there when he got it and he smiled and asked his friends if they got it for him but they said no. and then he fucked it up and i fr hope he thinks abt it. he also talked to me sm today and yesterday<3
im so in love rn istg

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