[💥] Glowing moles

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The sun has set, the sky looked orange but slowly becoming a darken blue and the wind never stops flowing. 

A water from the cave celling drops on to the little stones head, awaken him from his short slumber. he realize he's been sleeping still infront of the cave's entrance, he looked back to see his little friend still sleeping peacefully. He stands up looking at the sky its...pretty. he immediately turns back to wake his friend up, he shakes him gently a yawn can be heard from the circle.

Mike: huh what? wow its dark

He rubbed his eyes. his stone friend are excitingly pointing at the sky, it brings the circle alot of confusion. The stone then drags the circle outside the cave

Mike: heyyy woaahhhhhhh, stan????

Stan drags him to on top of the cave, a decent hill. The sky went completely dark with stars shining. The hill's atmosphere is nice with the soft grass around the area.

Stan stops dragging his friend and point to the sky, didnt take mike long to see above him and he was...amazed. A smile grows on the stones face

Mike: woooaahhh...its...so beautiful!

Stan nods and head over to the edge of the hill with mike following him from behind

Mike: what...are those things stan?

Stan couldnt answer that question mainly its because he doesnt have anything to communicate with thr little circle at the moment but it didnt stop him to make hand gesture of a sign languange, he did this while smiling with excitement.

Mike: um i dont think i can understands you bud

Even after that sentence stan still doing the hand gesture even pointing at the sky even more its like hes telling an interesting information in order to make mike impressed but all he get was a giggle from mike as a responds, he gave up soon after that just cant wait to get the stuff he's gonna get for communicating later. He later sit on the spot tapping the soft grass next to him and mike took the message and sit down next to him, both looking to the sky.

Mike: yknow since you cant really tell me what they are im just gonna call themmm hmmmm, GLOWING MOLES!

The name sent stan on a laughter he hold his mouth as he laughs, theres no 'haha' noice coming out but mike can tell that he was laughing. Stan laughs fades away quickly,looking back the stars.

Mike: man leaving that place was so worth it, this place is the best! Dont ya think?

Stan turned to mike and nods happily.
Both just stared at the beautiful stars not taking their eyes off it. Out of nowhere stan traces some stars with his hand, didnt know why he did it but it relaxes him.

Suddenly a meteor shower shows up the sky making both of them in a shock, even stan is shocked, he also have never seen a meteor shower before

Mike: woaaaahhhh what is this?

Stan can only shakes his head signing that he doesnt know what it is yet. Mike didnt really care whats it called to be honest, he just loved the view.

After the meteor shower ended stan took a glance at mike who fell asleep on the soft grass, i guess that nap in the cave didnt really payed him off.

Stan is not planning on sleeping tonight, i mean someone have to keep an eye out there. He enjoys his time up here with mike, just glad he's not alone he likes having company or a friend by his side.


Just had a thought about this, sorry that its short, this takes place after meet stan as well lmao
Hope you liked it tho!

Ive written like 3 chapters including this one in this book but this is the first one that actually got finished lmao

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