1 - The Fall

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May 1st 1998

This has been your worst year at Hogwarts, but feel that things are going to drastically change soon.
The battle is coming to Hogwarts, following arrival of Harry Potter.
The Dumbledore's Army is ready for the final battle.
So instead of graduating from school, you're probably going to die for your ideals.
You've been hiding in the Room of Requirement for months, when the Death Eaters started to hunt down you, Neville and what was left of the small Army.
As you head to Hogsmeade to reunite with the heroes, you don't expect to bump in your family.
You couldn't keep in touch for not putting them at risk and seeing them there alarms you.
But you don't have time to speak.
Your father closes the distance between you and places some device around your neck, turning it on.
"This will save you" are the only words you here before everything around you vanishes and you feel falling into an abyss of light and darkness.
You hold your wand trying to stop that scary fall, when suddenly your back hit a floor and you groan for the pain, that makes your eyes see stars.
When you recover from the backpain, you realize that you're into an empty classroom.
You're grateful you didn't fall against the desks and chairs.
You spot someone appearing by the railing of the upper office and you freeze, unbelieving what you see.
That must be a dream because the wizard standing there is someone you've mourned so bad in the last year. And he's standing there, looking younger than you've ever seen him, looking so similar to the wizard who has been feeding you while you were hiding in the latest months.
He climbs down the stairs to meet you and offers you a hand to help you up.
Taking his hand proves you that he's real and he pull you up on your feet.
"Are you alright?" Albus Dumbledore asks you, inspecting you and your ruined robe.
You just nod.
"This is the first time that someone appears into my classroom like this. And apparition is impossible here" he says, his eyes turning from diffident to amused.
"I'm sorry, sir" you breath out, feeling so dizzy that you risk to stagger and fall on the desks around you.
"Do you need something to drink? You can come to my office up there" he touches your shoulder and guides you to the staircase that leads to his office.
Well, you're used to know that his office is somewhere else, but you're getting a suspect about what's going on and you fear to name it.
You're glad to sit down and accept the warm drink he offers you.
"You're a student" Dumbledore says sitting in front of you and resting his elbows on the desk as he observes you sipping the tasty liquid "But I'm sure I've never seen you before".
"I've never seen you like this either" you say, it sounds so weird that you cringe "I don't understand what's going on. When are we?".
His smile comforts you a bit "What an uncommon question to ask. It's Wednesday 11th August...1943".
More than fifty years back in time?
You are surprised that you don't pass out.
"How- How's that possible?".
He lowers his gaze "I suppose the answer hangs from your neck".
You look down and take the small device that your father had placed around your neck.
"Can I?" Dumbledore asks offering a hand.
You hand him the Time Turner and watch him inspect it with awe.
"Sir..." you start, but he raises a hand, stopping you.
"No. I don't want to hear about the future. It's clear that you know me and you trust me. You didn't even ask me what I offered you to drink".
You glance at the cup on the table and you can just confirm what he said.
"Can you help me go back? My friends and my family need me. And I don't want to deal the the butterfly effect".
He hands you the device back "I'm afraid time isn't easy to play with. You don't have to worry about the future. You may go back at the right time and none of your friends wouldn't have noticed that you were gone".
"Oh" you haven't thought about that but it sounded cool "Still, I don't want to mess with time. So thank you and goodbye, sir".
You touch the device, trying to activate it, but nothing happens. You try again and again, feeling Dumbledore's patient stare on you.
Horror fills you at the idea that you're trapped into the past and quite surely you're going to mess everything up.
"It's alright" he says when tears start to pool in your shocked eyes "You can stay. We'll figure it out. What is your name? And what year are you studying at Hogwarts?".
"I'm Y/N Y/L/N" you reply "I'm supposed to be graduating now".
"So what if I place you in the sixth year? A student tragically died few months ago and you could replace her. What do you think?".
Great, you're going to replace a dead one.
"Fabulous" you say simply, too shocked about what's happening.
"And speaking of butterflies, you can claim that you're from Beauxbatons. We have a couple of weeks to work on every detail and for any trouble or doubt, you can count on me".
Albus Dumbledore is truly your angel as he enthusiastically helps you and makes you feel at home in that old version of your Hogwarts.

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