Devil's Spawn.

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"When you're alone, and you don't have any one to bright up your day, just think about the stupid things your friends do to make you smile."

Nora was my babysitter.

Nora was my dad's best friend.

Nora was my mom' friendly foe.

Nora was my favourite person.

Nora was my godmother.

And she was also Jason's aunt.

And now she is right in front of me, head bent down, eyebrows furrowed as she concentrates on something on her desk.

Her brown hair is just as soft as I remember, but not flowing like the waves in the ocean and insyead pulled back, away from her face in an elegant and formal bun.

Her face is clean. Not even a dot of make-up on her spotless face.

Past Nora would've had a heart attack if she saw Future Nora.

She looks simple, she does not look like the Nora I once knew.

She looks like she has not slept a wink in days. And her smile, that used to make me happy when I was younger, has disappeared.

All I can think while I just stand there, taking in her presence with my jaw, which is now fortunately back in it's place, is 'Does she remember me?'

I want and don't want her to recognize me at the same time.

I want her to, because I want to know if she still remembers me and the times she spent in our home. We have been through so much together. She was there for us when my dad died. She never left our side. I think the reason why my mother didn't loose her sanity at that time was because of Nora's constant support. She was like a second mother to me.

I don't want her to recognize me, because Jason is standing right beside me and will come to know that I am Amy. His Amy. The Amy who he trusted with all his secrets. The Amy who he played with everyday after school. The Amy who was his best friend. The Amy who gave him that necklace. The Amy who promised she would come back for him one day. The Amy who lied to him about her true identity.

Will she know that I, Amber Swan, am the one and only Amy?

Been around the world, don't speak the language. But your booty don't need explainin', all I really need to understand is...

Jason Derulo's 'Talk Dirty To Me' starts blaring out of nowhere, startling me.

It's Jason's phone. I roll my eyes.

Oh, the irony.

I look at Jason just as he puts his hand into his pocket, takes out his phone, taps the answer button and presses it to his ear as he walks out the door, just as Nora yells, "NO CELLPHONES IN SCHOOL, JASON! AND PLEASE, CHANGE THAT GOD AWFUL RINGTONE!"

He pops his head in through the door and says, "I'll be waiting right outside, Amber. Oh, and Nora, it's Amber. Sorry, by the way." And, closes the door.

"So Amber, this is your first day. Here is your schedule, your locker number and it's code." She still has her head down and she doesn't even look at me once.

Did she forget me?

But, wait. How did she know that there was a new girl called Amber coming in today and did she not see my surname when she kept my schedule aside?

How was she even aware of this? Doesn't she have to go through like a few papers to find my schedule, locker number and code?

Either she's really organized and ignorant or something really fishy is going on here.

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