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You know that happiness when you dream of something and it comes true. Well, this is it, my dream house, straight from my head into reality.

Dayum mom! You certainly know how to give a surprise.

"Your jaw might hit the ground, Amber."

Well, that was embarrassing.

"OMG Mom! This is like my dream come true, where did you find it?"

"Do you like it?"

"Are you fu*king kidding me?! I love it!"

"Language Amber! And I'm glad you love it, because we'll be staying here for a long time."

"Well, I don't care. As long as I can throw parties when you're gone."

"Now now, Amber, you are not throwing parties and creating a mess of this house."

Well, what you don't know, won't hurt you. I mentally smirked.

The remainder of the day was spent in unpacking my boxes, arranging everything according to my taste and just, basically moving in. Well, let me tell you it is one time consuming and back aching task.

It was nearly midnight and I was feeling hungry. I went downstairs searching for Mom, but I couldn't find her, so I went to her room. After knocking several times, I entered it.

She was on her phone, whispering something.

"Hey, Mom."

She turned around, her eyes puffy.

"Mom, are you OK? Are you crying?"

"I will talk to you later, Jim." She told him.

Fine. She was talking to a Jim. Wait. Jim, as in, Jason's uncle, Jim? The f*ck?! Why is she talking to him? He is the biggest jerk in this whole universe. God! What is going on?

Ok, ok. Let's focus on Mom.

"Mom, are you OK?"

"I would be lying if I said yes, sweetheart. You remember Albert? The mayor of this town? He died yesterday."

"H... He what? How? How did he die?"

Albert, the mayor of this town, was Jason's father. He was one of the most sweetest and kindest person I've met in my entire life. Well, when I was 5, anyway.

"Well, that information is confidential."

"Okay...?" It came out more as a question rather than a statement.

"Funeral will be held tomorrow, 8 o'clock in the morning." She said, her voice breaking every

now and then.

"I'll be ready."

"So what do you want to eat, I'll cook." I offered.

"No thanks Amy, Jim bought burgers. You do remember Jim, don't you?"

I nodded in response.

Oh yeah, like I could forget him. He is the reason dad isn't here with us today.

And that's because he is the sheriff of this town and dad worked for him. Dad was a cop and was sent alone to catch some drug dealers in the middle of the night, whilehe was off duty, because apparently he was the only man capable of this work and you can guess the rest of it.

I seriously don't want to meet him. Let's just hope everything goes well.

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