Hell? Hell.

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Heyyyyyyyyy!! How are you guys?! You lovely, lovely, absolutely LOVELY people! See the amount of "y's" I've used in the 'Heyyyyyyyyy'? Thats how happy and excited we are! Thank you sooooo much for 3.15k reads! Oh, my God! Somebody pinch us. And, that's not all. Is This Friendship is at 948 in Teen Fiction! This is effing HUGE! YAYYYY!

Thank you, thank you, thank you! All of you! Now, without further ado, ze storyy!



I can feel them on my back. Watching my every move. Following me everywhere I go, whatever I do. Silently judging. Whispering.

"Who is that?"

"Oh, my God! Look at the way she's wearing the uniform!"

"What a slut!"

Upon hearing that last sentence, a huge smirk formed itself upon my lips. I flip my hair and start swaying my hips a little more.

If a slut is what they want, then a slut is what they're going to get.

Its the first day of hell, and I already want to go home.

I run my fingers through my blonde hair and turn a corner.

I'm actually trying to look for the main office. I think about what they said about my uniform and look down at It.

The skirt is folded twice so that it comes just above my knees and the first two buttons of the shirt are open with the tie hanging loosely around my neck.

I shrug nonchalantly.

I have been trying to look for Ashley and Will from the moment I stepped into the school, but I can't find them anywhere. Guess I'm on my own, then.

Out of nowhere, a girl bumps in to me, resulting in me dropping her books and her folder.

"Shit! Sorry!" I say and kneel down on the ground to help her gather her stuff.

I pick up the last book and stand up to give it to her, taking this time to analyze her.

She's like a little porcelain pixie, with a pale complexion and a short frame. She wore geeky glasses over her big hazel eyes and her brown hair was styled in a stylish bob cut.

She was pretty cute. But, a geek for sure.

But, I also doubt that she can be defined as a geek in this school.

As far as I have seen, everyone gets along just fine here. There are no popular cliques, nerd groups, etc. There is no food chain. Everyone is friends with everyone, which I guess is pretty cool. I never really liked those stereotype, anyway.

"It's ok. Thank you." she said.

One thing I absolutely HATED about this school was that, every student who went here were obliged to wear name tags, which they had to pinup to the front of their shirts or blazers.

Like we're all fu*king waiters in a fu*king restaurant.

Cue the mental high five I wanted to give to the person who came up with these ridiculous rules. In their face. With a chair. Made of steel.

But, I guess the name tags could come in handy. Like, right now, I could find out her name without having to go through the trouble of asking her.

I guess I could let them off the hook, whoever they are. Just this time, though.

'Gwen Nichols' was engraved in white, a sharp contrast against its black rectangular background.

She was about to turn around and walk away when I spoke up. "Gwen, wait! Hi, my name is Amber. I am new here. Could you, maybe, show me where the main office is?" I put on my best smile and asked her as politely as I could.

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