Chapter 11 *EDITED*

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Harry's P.O.V

"Garfield guys... He is back, and Not only that he wants to kill me, he wants to kill Kate too now" I say, running my hands through my hair.

"Kate? The new girl? Why is he after her? I mean.. How'd you know that that big baboon wants to kill kate?" Louis asks and niall laughs and we all give him a 'what's so funny?' Look.

"Oh.. Nothing.. It's just um... Nothing" Niall clears his throat

"O-kay... Right so the answers for your questions Louis, I don't know why he wants to kill her, and she showed me the note she received, like asking me if I know anything about GS " I say "I'm scared"

"it's going to be alright, okay" josh speaks

I don't know what to do now. I don't talk to kate, because I'm scared that Garfield might kill her and I don't want that to happen.

why do you even care if she is going to die? you don't even like her. Just let her die.

"fuck! I wish i'd never talk to her" I yell once again, And the boys are looking at me, we are sitting on the stairs of a house in which nobody lives. John is smoking so he offered us. Me, Louis, and Liam accepted his offer.. we continue talking.

"So that means that you are not going to have sex with her?" liam says as he exhales smoke.

"Ofcourse not.. I'm definitly going to have sex with her. I want to see her perfect body" i say as i release the smoke.

What? She does have a perfect body and I'll protect her still.

"You know what harry, The way you talk about her it feels like you like her" john says.

I stand up and grab him from his collar, "how many times do i have to tell you that i don't like her!"

I let go of his collar and sit back with louis.

"okay.. so there's a party at my house so you can come and....there are going to be lots of girls!" .. Niall says smirking.

"Girls? well I'm definitly coming" josh smirkes too.

"me two" liam says

"me three" louis says

"me four" I say

"me five" john says fixing his collar and I smirk at him.


when the moon was about to show up we all went to niall's.

katie's P.O.V

"no please! let me go!" i plead

"sorry lovely. but you have to die!" the mysterious man says

"but what have i done to you.?" I ask him, My voice hoarse because of screaming and crying continuously.

"nothing" The dark man says as he push the trigger of his gun and the bullet hits my chest.

I wake up screaming..

"it was just a dream. it was just a dream" i say to myself and gasping for air.

God, these stupid nightmares. I'm pretty sure that I'm going to die in my sleep.. I get up and go to the kitchen, I basically fell asleep on the couch, I take out a water bottle from the refridgerator and when i close the door of the fridge there is note sticked on the fridge I take it off and my jaw drops

"I see you had a bad dream. Don't worry love, soon enough you won't be getting these dreams.. you know what i mean right?
- GS"

somebody was here, somebody is at my house.. oh my god what should I do now? Tears start falling from my eyes I hurried to get my phone. I call jessica and tell her that I'm coming over I go to her house. I tell her everything and she lets me sleep with her.. because I'm scared. but instead of sleeping, we ended up talking and laughing.

follow me on twitter: @zhilophobic

Bad and British [H.S]  *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now