chapter 48 *EDITED*

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Katie's P.O.V

My eyes flutter open. I try to move but I couldn't because I am tied up to a chair... I try to scream but nothing comes out. My eyes starts getting teary.

I look around and to my left I see someone tied up to a chair as well. It is a girl but I can't see her face.

I was focusing on the girl when I heard some footsteps. I look everywhere trying to understand from where this noise of footsteps is coming from... My gaze suddenly shifts to my left.

I see someone, I focuse on that someone. That someone comes out from darkness and my eyes widens when I realized that someone


Harry's P.O.V

I have been searching for Kate for like an hour... But I can't find her.

Where the hell did she go? Did something happened to her?..... Did Garfield came and took her?

I shake my head, thinking that it's not possible. She must be playing with me.

"Kate!" I yell

"Kate! If this is a game than it's not cool!"

I get no answer but only some insects making noise.

"Alright! You win! I give up! Now come out!"

Something happened to her, she is in danger, she can die, save her, look for her! Garfield's men should've taken her

My mind suddenly bursts out again with these same stupid sayings..

I don't believe any thing my mind is saying.

I need to keep looking for her.. I run back to the same big tree..

Kate's P.O.V

I was in shock when I saw my dad.

All I could think at that moment was.. Why is he here?

Maybe he came here to save me... But how did he know..

"Dad?" I chok out

"Hello, darling"

"You came here to save me..... Right?"

"Yes" he says "but..." He continues "I'm here to save you from harry"


"I came here to save you from harry"


"Because he isn't good for you"

"How do you know him? How do you know that I'm dating him?! Why do you care?" My voice cracks.

My dad didn't say anything.. He just grabs another chair and sits down on it facing me.

"Well, untie me" I say.

He Doesn't say a thing.

He smiles "Guess Your snorty little boyfriend didn't told you who I am"

"What do you mean?" He just stares at me.

Wait... Garfield. My dad's name is Garfield.

"You are the one who was has been sending death threats to us" I blurt out.

He claps his hands together "good job!"

"You are Garfield! The guy who has been sending death threats to us! To me..... To your own daughter"

"Glad you know who I am"

"How could you do this?!"

He grins.

"I highly doubt that You told zayn to kill My mom"

"You are indeed right my, darling" I cringe my nose in disgust.

"How could you do this? You killed my mom! You destroyed my life!"

He just shrugs.

"What do you want... From me... From us?"


"I need an answer, why are you doing this?"

"Why don't you ask my lovely spy?" Garfield says.

I hear the tapping of heels, and I see a girl coming out from darkness.

"Jessica" I whisper.

Bad and British [H.S]  *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now