Chapter 44 *EDITED*

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Another Animated Music Video, Girl Almighty...

Katie's P.O.V

1 month passed by and Harry has been getting bad dreams. He told me everyone one of them. he wakes up every night, his breath is always fast. He is always sweating. He is always crying. harry keeps yelling my name at night. I don't know what's happening.

I can't stop thinking about zayn either, He was so did this happen? Maybe he have changed? I don't know! he loves me or maybe not. that's the reason why I don't believe in love.

To tell the truth, I don't want to fall in Love with harry too, I'm scared that he might brake my heart too. But he is dangerously attractive and hot. And I'm falling for him.

Why do you think that I will always love you? this sentence always roams around my head. When this sentence came out of harry's mouth my whole body felt weak, I felt numb.

last night, harry got another dream, He said that Garfield came and Killed him, this time. So after that, I couldn't sleep and nor could Harry. So we decided to go out since nobody would be out so that's why we went out.

We saw a photo booth, he looked at me and smirked, we raced to the photo booth, and I won, We went in and sat on the chair. I sat on Harry's lap. We made stupid face. There was one I really like, We were just laughing when it took our picture, Harry had my hair on his upper lip as if it is his moustache and I was laughing.

one day Melissa came to my house In search of harry. I told her that he isn't here, she didn't believed me, of course. She pushed me aside and searched the house. She moved to a cupboard and Harry was hiding in there. Before she could open the door, I told her that there are some ghost in this cupboard and she seemed to buy in my little lie to easily, she asked me what do I mean? than I told her that some weird noises comes out of this cupboard, than she asked what kind of noises so I just told her that Screams, crying, giggling, moaning and stuff... I told her that she should leave or else the ghost would come and eat her... I wanted to laugh about how naive she was. Before Melissa could say something, we both heard a giggle and she got scared so she just said that she loves her life and that she doesn't want to die so soon so she left, Harry jumped out of the cupboard and burst into laughter, He was like that was a good one!

We went to the zoo, He made fun of animals. Just like zayn did. We saw the elephants and harry kept saying "I wonder how they kiss" and I kept telling him "I'm pretty sure they don't kiss"

I told harry that zayn likes The Wanted and he burst into laughter he was like "you mean that band that hardly few knows about" And then I told him about the knock knock joke I did with zayn. He went like "Wow Kate, I never knew that you could joke too". He started telling his jokes, seriously, they weren't funny at all! I'd be like "Was I suppose to laugh on it?" and he would nod and than I'd say "Oh, I forgot sorry, hahaha".

He calls me a baby girl, which is quite kinky,

Jessica is still not back from her grandma's house.... I miss her. I need to tell her everything! I tried to call her but I'd get no reply. So I wait for her call or any message.

Harry is still sleeping, since we went out last night and came back home, when the sun was about to show up. I couldn't sleep, because of harry. I've been thinking of him.

Right now I'm cuddled in his arms, he is snoring a bit. His legs are on my legs. His head, burried in my neck, hot breaths can be felt on my skin.

"I love you Kate" Harry mumbles in his sleep.

"I wish you would love me back" he mumbles again.


Bad and British [H.S]  *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now