Chapter 19 *EDITED*

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Kate's P.O.V

I walk in my house, looking at the things which are completely broken, tears start trembling down my face.. I walk to my bedroom and it's destroyed too. I see a frame on the floor,

"Oh no" I say putting hand on my mouth.

I walk near to that frame and pick it up and on that frame it was written

"soon enough you both will die!"

with red paint or blood, I don't know..

The picture is of me and my mom, we took it when I was 7, I still remember that day.. How we fooled my dad and had so much fun. I sit on the floor bringing my knees closer to my chest, tears started to spill on my sleeves. Mom isn't even here. What am I going to do?

Harry's P.O.V

I saw kate looking at me when I was kissing that burnette, But she didn't seem to care about it.

I am walking towards my house thinking about Kate and I see that her door is opened. This got me worried. I run towards her house and see that everything is broken.

"Shit" I curse. This must be Garfield! He must've done it! That piece of shit!

"Kate!" I call out. I get no reply.

Ok, so I'm starting to worry.

"Kate! Where are you?" I call out again

I run towards her room. I hear somone sobbing. I enter her room and see Katie sitting on the floor. I sigh in relief.

I swear if something would've happen to kate I would kill that Asshole.

I walk towards her and sit down I place my hand on her right knee. She looks at me, her eyes are red.

"Hey" I softly say "don't cry"

She says nothing.

"Please kate, don't cry, I will take care of you I promise."

"What have I done?" She finally says


"What have I done to whoever GS is? What does he want from me?" She whispers

"I don't know" I say.

She shakes her head and rests her chin on her forearm.

"Hey kate, look at me" I say, but she doesn't. I lift her chin to make her look at me.

"You don't have to be worried, I'll save you" I say. She weakly smils

"For now, you can stay with me" I say, she doesn't say anything "do you want to stay with me?"

She nods.

"C'mon" I say making her stand up.

She follows me to my house.

"C'mon in" I say and she walks in.

"You have a nice house" she says

And I smile at her

And I smile at her

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Bad and British [H.S]  *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now