•You're So Art Deco•

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The whole lunch table seemed to just stare at the hot lunch food in front of them. My stomach began to growl and I gave in taking small bite.


This however seemed to make everyone else eat.

Good... they need to eat. I'm not sure what to say. Do I even need to say anything? Maybe silence is best right now.

"Guys, we should talk about what happened." Lloyd spoke up putting his spoon down.

"He's right, we should." Zane added.

"Skylor was my best friend." Nya stated her eyes watering up. Jay quickly rubbed her shoulder in comfort.

"She was humble and didn't have much to say I liked that." Cole acknowledged looking in her empty spot.

"Stop talking like that." Kai said through clenched teeth. "She's-"

"Dead Kai. Skylor is dead." Pixal repeated pitiful. Our group knew there was something going on between them. Kai called it messing around so did Skylor. I guess he didn't realize how deep he was in...

Kai didn't responded he just stared into the distance. As if he were waiting for Skylor to burst through the door laughing about how gullible we all were.

That would never happen happen though. "The police pulled some people in for questioning." Zane whispered making us all gasp and lean in closer. "They said from the scene it looked like she had medical emergency seizure or something-"

"That's false!" Kai fumed hitting his fist on the table to receive strange looks from other students. We quickly hushed him turning our attention back to Zane. "They are still waiting on an autopsy." Zane explained making us all lean back to our normal positions.

"This wasn't a freak accident this was planned." I asserted receiving a firm nod in agreement from Kai.

"How can you be so sure?" Lloyd piped up.

"Skylor was perfectly healthy, she was a cheerleader and then the-" I immediately stopped my sentence to receive looks of suspicion.

"And then the... WHAT?!" Jay spazzed as Nya quickly shushed him.

"I- I forgot what I was gonna say." I replied with a small stutter of shock. I had one job.

"Don't you think it's weird how Y/n shows up completely changed and then this happens?" Lloyd spoke eyeing me coldly. "Did you want a seat at the popular table Y/n?" He interrogated me more.

"Lloyd that's too far." Jay stated.

"I agree with Jay, don't try and blame Y/n." Cole said with a serious tone.

"Y/n has done nothing to you." Zane added.

"Let her answer." Nya put in watching me with suspicion as well. Kai throughout this whole discussion just stared at me, like he wasn't sure who or what to believe.

"Are you being truthful with us?" Pixal pushed.

"I'm not a killer." I stated staring at Lloyd's hidden green eyes.

"See she's not a killer. Yay!" Jay smiled with victory.

I broke eye contact to take a bite of food. This got bad real quick.

"The police need to figure out quick if we got a serial killer on our hands." Cole noted.

"They really do. I suspect we will get a curfew if there are multiple murders." Zane informed making me shiver. A killer on the loose... let's hope this is some medical tragedy.

•I Have Lost It All•             (Ninjago x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now