•Too High, Can't Come Down•

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I slumped on my couch to be met with a game bar. It's been awhile since I have seen this.

You have reached 100% with Kai, Cole, Zane and Jay!
Unfortunately I don't like to stick to rules... in-fact I quite like you here Y/n. The goal of the game was to get your love interest to 100% then you could leave.
But where is the fun in that?!
You're so unpredictable you give this place, this world a rush! So I won't make them stop killing. Not now. Not ever. They are the thing that keeps you up at night. The evil that haunts every dark hole of your mind.
She will not rest.
And neither will you.
So again congratulations Y/n :)

The bar dissolves just like that. "That's not fair." I whisper out my face turning into anger. "You cheated! I played by all the rules! I want to go home!" I shouted collapsing to my knees and crying.

"I want to see my parents!" I cried harder feeling the sadness within me increase. "I don't like it here!"

I crumbled on the hard wooden floor feelings of despair were unmatched right now. How am I supposed to leave.

I need to stop crying, and I need to think of a plan. I refuse to let this person dictate my life. Because there's no way in hell I'm staying here.

I sit up wiping the tears and clearing my nose. I rub my puffy red eyes to try and calm myself. We need to go to the wisest person here.

Now would that be Garmadon, Wu, or Mystake. It's hard to say out of these I trust Mystake the most. However... she might not be powerful enough to do anything.

Christmas at Lloyd's is coming up. That gives me a chance to at least feel out to in the meantime I have the woods to worry about.


"Why aren't they revealing whose body they found?" I ask Lloyd sitting in the waiting room of the police station.

Lloyd sighed shaking his head. "Apparently because it's classified and they found more than one."

"Well where is everyone else? I haven't heard from anyone." I replied looking outside waiting for my other friends to show up.

"Again I don't know. We're in the same boat." Lloyd said following my gaze.

"Y/n." A detective came out of the room with a coffee in hand. "Please come with me." I quietly got up following him.

As we walked I gazed into another interrogation room. It was Kai, relief washed over me.

Thank goodness.

He opened the door to an empty room with a drawing board. I sat down as he walked to the other side. "Detective McBrag should be here soon."

The door opened and in walked McBrag. God I can't stand him. "Morning Miss L/n."

I give a fake smile as he sat in chair across from me. "You sure are always at our crime scenes." I rolled my eyes at his comment but decided not to say anything.

He stood up and began drawing the scene of the forest and lake. "So listen..." he trailed off drawing me on the lake. "Here you were when you found the bodies."

I shook my head. "No. I wasn't there."

He shakes his head pointing the marker at my drawing. "No. Listen."

•I Have Lost It All•             (Ninjago x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now