Chapter 23

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(still Drake's p.o.v)

Max sighs, "Well there goes 2 years of crushing down the drain."

We all laugh and Blaire agrees, "I never liked him."

James nods, "Me either."

"Subject change! Tomorrow's Saturday, what're we doing?" Max says loudly.

"We're going to James' house, remember?" Blaire laughs.

I raise an eyebrow, "What's going on at James' house?"

"Ms. Hookz is lending him a stripper pole." Max answers me with a laugh.

I give a slow, slightly confused nod, "Who all's going to be there?"

Max shrugs, "Anyone, everyone."

James rests his face in his hands, shaking his head.

"Oh God." He complained and we all laugh.

"What about after school today?" Blaire asks.

"Let's go to Drake's house. We haven't been there yet." Max suggested.

How about no

"I don't think that's such a good idea." I tell her.

"Why not?"

"Remember my step monster?"

She nods, "Oh yeah."

"We can go to my house again." Blaire offered and we all agreed.


Blaire's p.o.v

At my house, we emptied my mini fridge and watched movies.

Zayne joined us this time so he and Max were cuddling in the corner by the wall, me and Drake sat against the wall in the middle, James on the end.

With James being kind of a fifth wheel, I took the chance to introduce Sam.

"Hey guys, I wanna show you something."

Max cocks an eyebrow, "Should I be scared?"

I laughed, closing the door behind me.

When I opened the door, Skid ran in excitedly and jumped on the bed next to Zayne, licking his face again and again.

Zayne laughed, happily petting the dog and ruffling his ears. Skid curls up next to him, begging for a belly rub that Zayne is happy to give.

Sam waddles past me on his stubby puppy legs and big paws.

She leans over picking him up behind his front legs and placing him on her lap.

"He's like a little ball of fluff." She laughs, hugging him to her chest.

"His name is Sam." I smile.

"And that's Skid." I point to the blue pit bull curled up next to Zayne.

He smiles, scratching Skid's chest, under his collar.

"What breed is he? She! It?" Max asks.

"That's a good question. I'd say husky mix probably, but I don't really know for sure."

She nods, "We can always go see your cousin. He still works with his grandma at the vet right?"

Zayne cocks an eyebrow.

"My cousin, Darian is the manager at the vet because his grandma owns it. Well she's my grandma too."

Zayne nods, "Oh okay. How old is he?"

"Um 17, 18. He might be 19 now, but I don't think that's until next month."

"Isn't he a bit young to be managing a vet?"

"Well, like I said, his grandma owns it and he's been learning through her since he was a kid."

He nods again.

"We can go tomorrow. I'll even bring Skid so they can both get a check up."

"Good idea." Max says.

The boys leave around midnight, except James. My mom let him stay since he didn't want to go home and see his mom. She started drinking again recently and she isn't the nicest drunk.

And we all know why Max is here. Or I do. As well as my mom and Zayne. Drake and James are yet to be informed.

"Max, are you gonna tell me what's been going on?" James asked her with a worried expression.

Max took a deep breath before telling him everything.

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