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( Da pic above is Delirious, Vanoss and Waffleman :3)

"How long is he staying?" Ace growled.

"3 days, and children I don't want u to try to kill him either."

"Nooooooooooooo." Ace yelled.

"Yesssssssssssssss." BEN and Dark said.

"Kidneyssssssssss." E.J said looking at his kidney.




"OF COURSE U DO!" Ace throws a Oreo at Toby.

"An Oreo? why not a waffle ;^;"

"Cause Toby Oreos are da only thing I had in my hand."

"Amazing flying Oreos everywhere!" Ace pulls out two mini guns and shoots Oreos at Toby.

"Can't touch dis." Toby moonwalks around dodging all da Oreos.

"Dammit Toby...V BRING OUT DA BIG GUNS!" Ace threw da guns at a random corner.

"Alright." V pulls out a batman rocket launcher.

"Omg WERE ALL GOING TO DIE!" BEN waved his arms in da air running away like a bitch.

"KABOOM!" V pulls on da trigger making a black mark where Toby use to be.

"Dat was close." Toby got up with his hair sticking up like a afro.

"Boom boom fire power!" V laughs then puts away his rocket launcher.

"Hey Ace, is there any women here?" D asked Ace.

"Of course D...COSPLAYER! CLOCKY! NINA! SALLY! COME HERE!" Ace yelled. Jane, Clockworth, Nina and Sally poofs in front of Ace and D.

"Hey dis better be good miss lil Jeffery." Jane growled. Ace growled back.

"Oh it is cosplayer...I want u to meet my friends D, V and waffle man." Ace pointed at a random corner.

"Are u a hobo?" Sally asked while looking at D.

"No I'm not a hobo." D looking at each girl.

"Well meating time is done lets go back upstairs." Jane grabbed Nina and Clockys hands and drags them upstairs.

"Let's go Sally lets go play~" Dark said while holding his hand out for Sally.

"Ok doll time lets go black doll!" Sally grabbed Darks hand and poofs away.

"WAFFLEMAN!" Ace ran up to Waffleman.


"Which side is ur favourite ear?"


"PUT A BANANA IN UR EAR!" Ace puts a banana in his ear and runs away yelling "BUBBLES!"

"Ace!" Waffleman disappears.

"Whoa he gone" Liu looked so confused.

"He's magicman dats why" D started eating pizza.

"Why is he called waffleman?" Jeff asked.

"Ask Ace dat one." V started eating ice cream.

"WHERE DO U GUYS GET ALL DIS STUFF?!?" Liu shouted then shut his mouth.

"Imagination!" Toby gestures he's hand making a rainbow with his eyes with sparkles in dem.

"MASTER OF PILLOWS!" Ace whacks Liu and Jeff in da head with a pillow.

"MASTER OF RAPE!" Jeff yelled.

"Whaaaaaat?" BEN comes back into da living room.

"MASTER OF LIUS!" Ace throws Liu at BEN.

"..." Slendy and Offendy stayed quite watching da wild animals take lose.

"Hey hey Jeff I gotta tell yea something." Ace scooted closer to Jeff.

"What is it?"

"Chebaish-Tomato-Salad" Ace whispers into Jeffs ear.

"Pickles." Jeff whisper back.

"Chicken tenders..." Ace whispered back.

"Kidneys..." E.J whispers to both of them.

"DIXNISNSJDNF JIBBLES!" Ace smash da lamp on E.J knocking him out.

"Dammmmm u hit him good~" BEN floated and sated in da middle between Jeff and Ace.

"Hey BEN guess what?"

"What is sweet cookie~?"

"I'll be waiting outside~" Ace whispers into his ear then gets up and goes outside.

"It's about time~" BEN just floats like a boss going outside.

"Hey E.J Hey E.J are you dead?" Toby keeps poking E.J with a stick.

"TOBY HAS A STICK!" Liu shouted.

"Heheh Stick..."

"Why-y u pokin-g him-m?" Hoodie shuttered.

"Cause I'm fabulous, and he been on da floor." Toby keeps poking E.J.

"No way Toby~ I'm more Fabulous than u~" Liu snaps he fingers.

"V wants going on with them?" D whispers to V.

"BF I guess..." V whispered back.

"YO WASUP MY HOMIES MISS DA AMAZING...uh...shit." Ace gets bitch slapped.

"Don't leave me hanging girl cause I had to be alone to be fabulous~ now ur here were hot~" Liu took of his shirt.

"No no no no Liu just no ur not hot or whatever." Jeff twirled his knife on da table.

"Oh yea bro we are~" Ace and Liu poses weird.

"Ur just jelly dat were fabo~" Ace laughed.

"EVERYBODY GETS TAZERED!" Bella teazers everybody.

"Bitch please I'm too fabo for dat~" Liu just flips his hair, then Bella just bitch slapped him then tazered him.

"I'm too fabo for u~" Bella poses.

"And we can have fun~" BEN wrapped his arms around Bella.

"RUN ITS CASPER!" Bella teazered BEN, then took his hat and left. "Heheh my hat." Bella skips away like nothing happen.
Time skip with Slendy and Offendy

"NO HOW!?" Offendy nearly shouted.

"Learning from da wild animals."

"There no way u could've beat me."

"Come on now Offendy u know da deal."

"heheh ok Slendy...IM SEXY AND I KNOW IT!!!" Offendy starts lap dancing to Slendy only in a speedo.

"DAT WASNT THE DEAL!" Slendy tried not to look at da horror.

"Hey guy-AHHHH DA SOCK!" Bella ran outta room then outta da mansion.
Meanwhile in da kitchen
"Don't cha wish ur girlfriend was hot like me~" BEN started singing while washes dishes. "Don't cha~"

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