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"Why do we come here?"

"For the ladies~" BEN replied.

"Mhm sure elf boy, were killers we don't need to go to school" Jane started walking until she slowly walk back "on second thought we stay"

"Ok?" Everyone was confused.


"Uhhhhh no" Bella crossed her arms then about to walk the other way until BEN picked her up and ran to the gym.

~~~Timeskip to Gym~~~

"So who's dancing with who?" Liu asked while looking around.

"Toby~" Clockworth wiggled her eyebrows at Toby.

"Uh uh uh *twitches* ACE!" Ace poofs in front of Toby.

"Woah hey how I get here?" Ace looked at Toby with a confused face.

"ur my partner *twitches* let's dance!" Toby grabbed Ace by the arm, heading to the dance floor.

"wait wait wait wait wait Toby! Bro no man just no. First I get poof here and now ur dragging me." Ace crossed her arms.

"I didn't want to dance with-" before he could finish his sentence he got punched in de face. "Wtf was that for!?"

"Grrrrrr U can't touch her" Waffleman hugged Ace from behind.

"Exactly on why I didn't want to dance with u" Ace threw a waffle at Toby which he caught.

"Thanks, and sorry"

"Awww no waffle for Waffleman?" Waffleman fake pouted.

"Heheh Nope." Ace kiss his cheek then ran off.

"Oh no u don't." Waffleman chased right after her.

"WOOOOOOO PARTYYYYY!!!" Dark started dancing like a drunko, then outta no where full blast music was played.

"Let's get this party started!" Liu soon
joined Dark with there drunk dancing.

"Heheh hey BEN, Bella guess Wut songs gonna play?"

"Wait don't tell me...but first Ma'name is Jeff :3" Jeff rolled his eyes.

"Is it dirty~?"

"Maybe Benny boy"

[play de music now X3]

"Hmmm oh~!"

"Wait don't tell meh....Oh OH it's this one"

"BELLA!!!" Ace ran behind Bella. "It's dis song heheh so wrong but ANYWAYS hide meh"


"Hoodie and Masky are trying to get me cheesecake laddie" Then she shoves the cheesecake into her mouth looking like a chipmunk with nuts in its mouth (SO WRONG!!! XD DIRTY MINDED!)

"Chubby cheeks!" Bella kept poking Aces cheek.

"I never knew Ace was a-"

"ACE THE KILLER! GIVE US BACK OUR CHEESECAKE!" Both Masky and Hoodie shouted while walking towards them.

"U SHALL NEVA TAKE MEH ALIVE!" Ace quietly shouted then starting running.


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