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Heyyy guys, I'm sorry to those people who still reading this but I will discontinued this story.

It is a hella trash and I dislike it very much. It feels like it doesn't even have a plot because it really just not there. I will be honest here, but this "book" was created for me to vent and throw all my problems into a character. If you remember for my apologies in ~Please read~ I had mentioned that too. I had rewritten it once and I'm sorry for not being able to rewrite it twice again. 

[Sorry, a bit of vent]
I have really high expectation in myself in writing. I know that I am bad at it, but I really want to improve it. I love writing but after seeing people's awesome writing, I feel that I am falling way back. Yes, I know this is a common feeling but I'm sorry that I don't know how to cope with it. I tried to lie myself that I can do it, but it doesn't work. But I will still try to improve as much as I can.

I deeply apologies to you guys, I know that I had also mentioned that "I won't be discontinued it". I'm sorry I broke that promise. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for doing this. I hope you can forgive me but thank you for all the supports. I deeply appreciate all the votes and the reads, and even some of the supportive/caring comments. I love you all <3. I still remember all the times when I'm finished a chapter, I always check my notification and it always makes me smile whenever you guys vote for it or even considered putting in your reading list.

And I'm sorry for letting all of you down.

But I want to try to make it up to you guys so to those people who somehow enjoy it,  I'm will be doing a KNY oneshots and you can request a plot/ship you would like me to do. I'm also currently writing a new story (still in a draft) but I will upload it when I'm done with everything 

Once again, I'm sorry for everything and thank you very much for supporting me. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2022 ⏰

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