Midterm Exams (Neutral Reader)

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You barely had any time for anyone, not even talking with Lucy. You rarely left your room, if it wasn't for food or the bathroom. You took three weeks off work, because your midterm exams are getting closer, which means you have to study like crazy to make up for the time you messed around with. You spend a lot of time with your boyfriend, so right now you are cursing yourself for being this stupid.

It's almost 2 AM again, with you staying awake probably all night again.

A heave sigh escapes your lips when you finished one chapter, leaning tired back against your chair. You have dark circles under your eyes, wear the sweater you wore for four days already with some sweatpants, who probably need a good time in the washing machine. Your hair is a mess and you even have some crumps on your face left from your late toast with ham and grilled cheese dinner. Your desk is stacked with different kind of books and papers, pen and pencils laying around, along with many different cans of soda and energy drinks. You look like a zombie, but you don't care right now. All you want is to remember every piece you study in those books, to later forget them after writing it all down onto the exam papers.

A tired groan escapes your lips, before you rub your eyes and slowly stand up. "Fuck ... so much shit to study for. I wish I would had chosen something else instead of these damn lessons." You mumble to yourself, opening your door and leaving your room tired. You slowly stumble to the kitchen to make yourself some coffee, hoping it will help you staying awake, even though it might not work. You don't bother to turn on the lights, just passing by everything until you arrive the beloved coffee machine. You pour some ground coffee inside, pour hot water in and turn the machine on, letting coffee slowly drip into the pot.


You hum tired and let your head fall back, noticing a dark shadow standing now behind you. Normally, you would freak out, especially in the dark, but you are too tired to give any single thought to this situation. " ... Who?"

"It's me, your boyfriend." You recognize the voice from Peter, but shut your eyes tight when he turns on the light from his phone, not used to the bright light so suddenly. "Why are you so late up?" He ask worried, tilting his head a little while the light shines up to his face, making him look a bit creepy.

"Oh uh ... I'm justing making myself some coffee. How did you get into-"

"Are you okay?" Peter ask immediately worried, gentle placing a hand against your cheek. You blush faintly and lean into his warm palm, enjoying some physical attention, because your body needs it sometimes, especially since you couldn't sleep for a while. Peter hums and frown a little, looking concerned. "Your face is pale ... and you have dark shadows under your eyes..." He mumbles.

You hum and smile a little tired, perking up when your coffee is done. You grab your cup and fill it slowly with the hot liquid. "I'm okay, don't worry. I just need to study a bit longer and will go to sleep after it." You mumble softly, placing down the can again and slowly raising the cup up to your lips, but flinch when Peter push your hand down.

"Don't. You need a shower and some rest. When was the last time you slept, darling?" Peter ask very worried, because he never saw you so exhausted before even after a year of following you.

You hum and let him take the cup from your hands, not having any energy to fight against him taking your slight energy boost away or questioning how he was able to get inside your home without any key. "I'm ... not sure."

Peter tense up and you hum when he suddenly picks you up, walking quick to the bathroom. "Darling, you need to sleep. You might die if you stay awake for so long." He says very worried, opening the door with his foot and kicking it shut behind him. You just hum in response, feeling very comfortable in his arms, because your chair started to make your whole body feel stiff from sitting on it for days. Peter place you down into the bathtub and blush, gulping. "Um ... d-do you need my help, darling?"

You hums and grab the end of your sweater, pulling it up your head, but get stuck half way from exhaustion. Peter chuckles silently and starts to help you taking off your clothes, but hesitate to take off your underwear for a moment. He worries he might not be able to control himself. Peter flinch when your body slowly slides down, smiling a little amused to see you on the verge of falling asleep. Not wanting to be a pervert and ruin the relationship he worked so hard for, he takes off your underwear and grabs the showered to help you wash up, making sure to control himself or you might tell him to leave in the morning if he would do anything sexual with you while you are sleeping.

After washing you up, he grabs a towel and dries your body and hair off the best he can, before picking you up again and walking to your room. Peter gentle place you down onto your bed, grabbing a few clothes who smell good and put them onto you, before taking off his own clothes and getting under the blanket with you. Turning off the lights, Peter smiles happy to himself and holds your close, nuzzling your face, while you sleep in peace in his arms. 'They're so cute when sleeping~. Maybe I can blow up their college~? Then darling wouldn't have to worry about it anymore~.'

Let's hope Peter let you go back to your studies again once you wake up.

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