No reflection (Female Reader)

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A request by my friend

Peter x Vampire Female Reader

Sorry it took so long and I hope it's to your liking ^^

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Peter invited you to an amusement park, who just opened up and who will be open only during night time. Means, not many children will be around, so they have more rides and attractions for adults. Of course, Peter and you were excited about this, mainly because you both can't do much during the day time. You are a vampire and you can't go out into the sunlight often, without applying a lot of suncream. Yet, an amusement park is even harder to visit for you, since they have water rides and the suncream might be washed off. Still, Peter doesn't mind staying up late to spend time with you, even if you adapted to sleep during night and staying awake at day time.

Peter and you took a few rides and while you got even more excited, he actually felt more sick than happy, so you decided to take a break with him. You both walk around, looking for something easy going. Peter perks up when he notice a mirror maze, pointing over to it. "Darling, would you like to go in there?"

You look at the mirror maze, tilting your head a bit. "What is it?"

"It's a mirror maze. You wander around inside and try to find the exit. It's more fun than a regular maze, since everything is reflecting and it's harder to get out." Peter explains with a smile. Thinking about it for a moment, you nod your head with a smile and both of you walking over to the maze. Once being allowed to enter, Peter and you walking around, but you soon notice an error in this idea.

You are a vampire, ergo, you can't see your reflection at all in the mirrors.

"Oh ... um, sweetie? I think I should-Peter?" When you reached for Peter, you notice he is gone. He didn't even notice losing you, since you didn't showed any reflection in the mirror, making him think you already went ahead of him, without him realizing it. "Oh no..." You mumble unwell, looking around. Unfortunately, you already went deep enough to not go back to the entrance, meaning, you have to go to the exit. You take a deep breath, slapping your cheeks with a huff, before starting to walk straight ahead. "Ow!" Sadly, a mirror blocks you from going through it or any further. You stumble a bit back and rub your nose, before looking unwell around. 'Maybe ... if I use my hands..?' Reaching hesitating out, you groan when you immediately hit another mirror with your fingertips.

* * *

An half hour later, Peter notice you aren't in the park anymore. Thinking you went to another ride without him, he started to look around to find you. 'Strange, my darling wouldn't leave the park just like that. She really enjoyed it here, so-?!' Realization kicks in and Peter remembers how stupid he was for not knowing that you are a vampire and doesn't have any reflection to begin with.

Peter immediately runs back to the mirror maze, hoping you are still there. Upon arrival and asking the person in charge, they say they didn't see you leave yet. Peter sighs and quickly enters. "Darling!? Are you still in here!?" He calls worried out, hoping you aren't mad at him.

"Y-Yes!" You call panicked back out.

Peter hums thinking and gets an idea. "Don't leave your spot! I'll come looking for you!" Yelling back a simple okay, Peter quickly starts to walk around to find you. It takes him a few couple of tries, before spotting you sitting in a corner with a dead end behind you. "Darling!" You look up and he immediately feels guilty when seeing all the bruises on your body. Looks like you bumped into a lot of mirrors. Peter quickly walks over to you and crouches down, hugging you tight. "I'm so sorry darling. I shouldn't had just left you alone here." He says softly, gentle rubbing your back.

You tear a bit up and bite your lower lip. "I-It's okay. Let's just ... go home." You mumble and Peter nods softly. He picks you up, making sure you don't get lost again, before leaving the maze and walking back to his van.

* * *

Back at Peter's house, you look unwell down, while Peter treats you bruises, making sure they all are taken care of. He doesn't want to see you in pain. " ... Peter?" He hums and looks up, but concerned, when hearing how upset your voice sounds. "Aren't I ... a nuisance to you?" You ask softly, causing him to froze.


"I mean ... since I'm a vampire, we can't really do much ... together ... like normal couples." You mumble unwell, playing a bit with your fingers. You flinch when Peter suddenly gets up, sitting down next to you and pulling you onto his lap, causing you to blush. "P-Pe-"

"Darling, I love you no matter what. And I don't mind being not normal~." Peter purrs a bit and gentle nuzzles your face.

"B-But ... I can't even see myself ... not in mirrors or even photos. Aren't you ... upset that we ... can't have pictures together?" You ask unwell, glancing down.

Peter smiles softly and kisses your cheek. "I'm not upset darling~. And I don't need any photos to prove how much I love you~." He nuzzles your face again, causing you to blush harder. Peter gentle pushes you off his lap again, before getting down onto the floor and reaching under his bed. "I wanted to wait a bit before showing you, but ... oh well." He shrugs and pulls out a sketch block and holding it out to you.

Hesitating, you take the block and open the first page, looking very surprised to see a drawing of you. "What..?"

Peter smiles softly and sits down next to you again, pulling you back onto his lap. "I practiced a little and whenever I want to, I can draw you now perfectly fine, darling~. Once I get my hands onto a drawing tablet, I can add some color soon~. Then it will be like a photo~." He purrs softly, kissing your face all over. You start to giggle from the ticklish feeling, tearing up. Peter smiles softly and takes the sketch block out of your hands, putting it away to lay down into bed with you. "I will and only ever love you, darling~. And I can be your mirror~. I'll tell you every time how beautiful you look in every outfit and will even draw you if you want a photo~."

You smile with slight trembling lips, hugging him tightly, as you snuggle closer and enjoy his body warmth. Peter smiles while holding you close, gentle rubbing your back to comfort you and just cuddling with you, before you both fall asleep.

From now on, Peter will make sure to never go into a mirror maze with you ever again.

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