Tasty Meat (Butcher AU, Neutral Reader)

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Six months ago, a butcher shop opened up near your home. At first it wasn't very popular, but after a few customers bought something, they started to visit almost daily, enjoying how well made it is. You were one of the first people to visit, because you got curious how the owner looks like. To your surprise, he was actually very cute. He do have a large scare over his left eye, which probably caused it to become blind, but he is also very, very tall. You thought at first you shrunk a few sizes down when standing in front of him.

The name of the owner is Peter King, as much as you could figure out. Apparently, Peter doesn't talk a lot and uses sign language to communicate, but writes things down on papers for the customers, if they don't know sign language. He also tries to smile, but it looks rather shy and he seems to become very flustered easily. You took a liking to teasing him from time to time, but he never takes it as any offense and tries to smile it off sometimes. You don't know why, but you couldn't help but to fall for this adorable man.

Today, you have a day off, so you decided to go to Peter's butcher shop to check up on him. You couldn't visit him for a week, so you hope he is doing well. Usually, you visit him three to four times a week.

'I studied a bit sign language in my free time, so let's hope it goes well. ... I also hope I don't accidentally insult him.' With worry in your guts, you take a deep breath, before entering the shop. Peter walks out from behind and perks up when seeing you, giving you a small smile who still looks a bit forced, but he is trying. You blush and feel like he shot an arrow through your heart. 'Damn it! He isn't allowed to be so cute!' You think a bit nervous, before walking over to the counter. Peter quickly grabs a pen and paper to write down what he wants to say, but pause when you hold a hand up to stop him. You hum and think about the signs, hesitating starting to use sign language. >>Hey Peter ... how are ... you?<<

Peter looks very surprised, before looking a bit excited to see you using sign language, but doesn't show it that much as an expression. >>I'm good. How are you, Y/n?<<

You perk up and think about the signs, hoping you got it right. >>Me too! ... How is ... meat?<< Peter hums and tilts his head a bit confused. You panic a bit and hum nervous, laughing a bit flustered. "S-Sorry, I guess I signed it wrong? How's the meat business going?" You ask with an embarrassment blush across your face, trying to smile it off.

Peter smiles a bit, holding back from laughing quietly to himself. >>It's okay and it's going well so far.<<

You nod hesitating, hoping you got it right what he was saying. This time, you decide to say things while using your hand to make signs, hoping it will help him to understand better. "Did you ... miss me?"

Peter hums and blush faintly, nodding shyly and glance down, while fiddling a bit with his fingers. You feel like he is trying to kill you with his shy side. Peter pause and stares down to his hands, making you now a bit confused. "Aaaah!" You flinch when he suddenly yells, startling you. Peter blush in embarrassment and frowns, but you tense up.

"Ah! A-Are you okay? Don't worry, it just slipped my mind for a second that you do this sometimes. Oh yeah! I brought some candy with me today." You quickly zip your small bag open by your chest, taking out a few candy pieces. "I ... do not know ... what you like?" You try to sign it again, hoping it was correct.

Peter hums and stares at you, before a small smile appears on his lips. He nods softly and you hold out your hand quick. Peter hesitating reaches out for it, causing you to blush hard when you see how big his hand is compared to yours. He takes a random one and smiles a little, but you both look over to the door when the small bell rings. An older woman enters and you quickly step aside, waiting for Peter to finish his customers, since he is currently working and you are disturbing him. Noticing the flowers near the entrance, you decide to walk around the counter to grab the watering can, since Peter allowed you to use it if you feel bored.

Peter tense up when you enter the backrooms behind him, but can't stop you, because the older woman already starts ordering. He bite his bottom lip a bit, hoping you won't find anything.

You hum and look around. 'I wonder where he put it ... maybe in the room where he cuts meat?' You walk into the room in the back, but stop when you see blood on the tilted floor and some meat laying on the table, meaning he probably was in the middle of cutting it off the bones. 'Oh ... I better not step inside, since it has to do with hygiene and stuff like that...' You think a bit worried, but hum and tilt your head a bit confused. The meat you can see on the table looks rather odd. It looks like a leg, what would be normal considering that this is a butcher shop, but it doesn't even look like a leg from an animal. It's rather thin, yet long. The foot already got cut off, as much as you can see from standing in the doorframe, but also the scent of blood smells rather ... sweet?

You hum, holding back from stepping closer. 'This meat ... looks kinda weird..? I mean, I saw him cutting meat already a few times, and even from different body parts from animals, but ... is this even an animal-' You flinch when a shadow suddenly looms over you, looking up over your shoulder.

Peter stands behind you, staring at you with big eyes. You hum and blush softly, seeing him stare you down. >>What's wrong?<< He signs for you.

"O-Oh ... I couldn't find the watering can, so I was just looking for it. Sorry, should I not have go in without your permission?" You ask worried, hoping he isn't mad at you now.

Peter hums and shakes his head, pointing to another room and telling you to follow him. You quickly follow him once he turns around, walking into the room where he spend mostly his breaks in. Pointing to the watering can near the small sink, you smile a little. "Thank you, and sorry, maybe I shouldn't had wandered around like that." You smile sweaty and walk over to it, grabbing the watering can to fill it up with some water.

Peter hums and tilts his head a bit, staring at you with a blank expression, but you are used to it and don't even feel creeped out, because he does it often. He grabs a pen and paper, worried you might not understand him if he signs complicated words for a beginner. You hum when Peter walks closer, showing you the piece of paper. >>Did you saw the meat I was cutting on my table?<<

You hum and nod softly. "Yeah, but I didn't wanted to walk in, because of hygiene and all this stuff. Is it a new kind of meat you want to sell? I've never saw it before." You ask curious, smiling at him.

Peter hums and a small smile appears on his lips, before he writes it down. >>Yes, but I'm not sure about it yet, It taste rather strange, so I probably will throw it away or something else. It's close to a lamp, so it looks a bit strange and smells funny.<<

You hum and nod with a smile, turning off the water and picking up the watering can. "I see. Well, I'll water your flowers a bit, but if you need help or anything, just come get me, okay?" Peter nods softly and you walk out of the room, over to the front to water the flowers. He smiles softly, before turning away to walk back to the room where the meat lays, his smile fading the moment he turned his back to you.

Peter walks inside and puts on new gloves again, grabbing his butcher knife, before glancing back the leg. It's not part of an animal and no one would eat this kind of meat, so Peter had no intention of keeping it anyways. Yet, he has to throw it out or burn it, along with the bones attached to it. 'I better cut the meat off and the bones also getting snapped later. I'll burn it in my incinerator and clean it up after removing the ashes. Might be the best way to get rid of it. ... I hope their new manager at their workplace won't give them so much work too, or else I have to get rid of the new manger too. ... Or maybe some colleagues forcing their work onto my darling? ... Maybe I should ask them about their work more...'

Peter smiles a little to himself, wondering if you would accept to work with him if you quit your job out of fear from getting murdered. He hums when you stop by the doorframe again, smiling at him. "A customer came." He nods softly and gives you small, shy smile. You tense up and blush heavily, quickly turning away to continue watering the plants. Peter chuckles silently to himself, before placing the knife down and taking off the gloves, walking out of the room to serve the customer.

Soon, you will hear about your manager's disappearing at work, so let's hope nothing else happens.

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