A Father's love (Male Reader)

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You never asked your father about your mother. Whenever you tried to ask, he would always avoid this theme or just leave the room. You got used to the fact that you probably will never know anything about your mother. Despite growing up with less love than other children, your father tried his best to show you as much love as he can, by picking you up from elementary school, cooking with you, going out shopping or just watching tv with you. He tries very hard and you know it, yet, you don't want to worry him even more than he already does.

You get bullied in school for not having a mother and you also got into a couple of fights, but always outside of school.

Today again, you tried to fought for the honor of your father, but yet again, you lost the fight. Only this time it got worst and even is visible. You have a bloody nose, a blue eye and the other kids even ripped some parts of your clothes and some hair out this time. Your body is covered in dirt and some bruises, but you try to hold back from crying while walking home. 'Dad isn't home yet, so I can just wash the dirt off and throw the clothes away. I'll put a tissue into my nose and cover my eye with some frozen peas. ... I just hope Rat won't snitch on me if I tell her about this.' You pout a bit, before walking up to the house and unlocking the front door. Peeking inside, you sigh relieved to see your father hasn't returned yet. You shut the door and hum when Rat peeks out of her small house. "Hey Rat, I'm back." You smile softly and walks over to her, waving softly, before walking quick to your room to change. Walking the stairs up on all fours, you rush to your room and throw your dirty backpack into a corner. Most of your books got torn already or have different kind of liquids spilled over the pages, but you can still use them and don't let your father see your books in the first place.

You take off your clothes at first and throw them under your bed, before rushing quick to the bathroom and shutting the door. You jump into the bathtub and turn on the showered, starting to wash your body clean and the blood off your nose. 'Maybe I should secretly train at night boxing? Then I'm sure I can teach them a lesson to never insult my dad again!' You smile determined to yourself, but flinch when the soap stings on your cuts on your shoulder. You fell into a broken glass bottle a few times and the shards unfortunately cut into your shoulder and leg, but you were glad it didn't hit your face.

"Y/n! I'm back!" You flinch and drop almost the showered when you hear the voice from your father, Peter, calling out.

'W-What is dad doing here so early?! W-Why isn't he at work?!' You think panicked and flinch when you hear him calling out again.


"I-I'm taking a shower!" You call back out and quickly wash your face, trying to get rid of the blood who keeps dripping from your nose, because this will be the most obvious. You tear up when more blood keeps dripping down, not knowing how to stop it. You jump when a knock suddenly is audible from the other side, your face turning pale in fear.

"Y/n? Why are you taking a shower? Didn't I tell you not to, because you always make a mess? I won't clean up the flooded floor again." Peter says from the other side.

"I-I'll be careful!" You say a bit panicked, tears starting to fall from your face. After months of being bullied at in school, it's the very first time you talk to Peter right after coming home. He usually stays out longer, always giving you enough time to take care of your injuries and getting over the fear of letting him find out what is going on.

You are afraid of failing him as a son, who can't even protect himself.

Peter hums and sighs. "Okay then ... I'll grab your dirty laundry from your room." You calm a bit down when you hear his footsteps fading away, but you aren't sure if you even want to leave the bathroom.

'I'm not allowed to cry ... even the teacher's telling me. I'm not a girl, I'm a boy, so ... so I'm not allowed to cry ... just because the others ... making fun of me...' You think and grit your teeth hard, trying to hold back from crying.

You jump and look over your shoulder when the door from the bathroom gets slammed open. Peter's eyes widen when he sees all the bruises on your body and the blood dripping from your nose. "Y/n..." He mumbles and you notice the clothes you hide under your bed, and how he is holding them in his hand.

Your lips quivering and more tears starting to falling from your face. With a shaking voice leaving your lips, you mumble: "D-Daddy...I..."

Peter walks quick over to you and picks you up, holding you close in a tight embrace. Your body starts to tremble and you hesitating raise your hands, gripping his clothes with trembling hands and start to cry loudly. "I'm sorry ... I'm so sorry..." He mumbles, holding you close while rubbing your back in order to comfort you.

~And then...~

Peter helped you with cleaning the injuries and treated them for now enough to make the bleeding stop. You sit on his lap while eating slowly the ice cream he gave you, smiling happy from the sweet, cold treat. Rat wrapped herself around your neck and sleeps peacefully. Peter turned on your favorite show, which helped you a lot to calm down. He smiles softly when seeing you smile again, gentle rubbing your head. "Do you feel better now?" You look up and nod with a happy smile. Peter smiles softly and leans down to kiss your forehead. "Good, and don't worry, I'm sure the bullies and your teacher will be taken care of." He says softly.

After you calmed down enough, you told him under tears what happened and how they insulted your mother. Peter listened to you very closely and let you take your time to explain him everything. When he heard enough, he just hugged you and apologized over and over again, for not noticing in how much pain you have been for such a long time.

"Oh, do you want to see something?" You hum and nod quick, looking curious at your father. Peter smiles and takes out his wallet, pulling out a picture and showing it to you. On the picture, you can see Peter and a woman you never saw before, smiling happy while holding a baby in their arms. "That's your mother. I won't tell you a lot yet, maybe when you are older, but for the time being ... I'll tell you how we met. Does that sound alright?" You blush softly when you see how pretty she looks like. You nod softly and leans against Peter, slowly eating your ice cream while he starts telling you his story. "Your mother was..."

But while Peter is telling you the start of their love, he already has a plan for your bullies and the teacher who ignored your pain. He will make sure they won't forget in how much pain you were for such a long time.


Soon, you the news of your bullies and your teacher missing reaches your school, with Peter picking you up from school now every day, worried you might gone missing as well.

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