Styles and Convincing

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~6:42 am~
"You're kidding," I groaned.
I was looking for dark academia looking clothing I had with Luca, since Roman was still out cold, and the only thing I have is a skirt that was a joke present from him.
Luca was trying not to laugh.
"Go ahead, go wear it," he wheezed.
I scoffed, going to my bathroom and changed. I decided to do my hair, at least slightly before stepping out.

(Eh- picture of what would be part of the outfit because why not)Luca smiled

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(Eh- picture of what would be part of the outfit because why not)
Luca smiled. "Not to bad," he hummed.
"Quick question though," he added. I looked up.
"Why the hell is your tongue purple?" He asked. I quickly blushed red.
"What'd you do?" He narrowed his eyes. I chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of my neck.
"Nothing-" I told him.
He glared before Roman came in.
"Mm, Luca, mate, can I borrow dome cl-" Roman began before stopping, looking at me.
"Ai! Eyes off," Luca glared. "Borrow some clothes?" He asked before scoffing and dragging Roman to his room.
He stared at me like back last night before he kissed me.
Was I really that pretty to him?
I looked at myself in my body mirror.
All I saw were flaws. I was lanky and short, thin, looked weak, I looked boney, and I still felt so disgusted with myself.
Sure I've acted like I've been fine but.. the trauma will be there.
I shivered remembering, quickly going downstairs.
"Hey Lo," dad said, making coffee as ba made pancakes.
"Hey," I hummed, sitting down.
"Going to eat breakfast finally?" Ba asked, sounding concerned but still smiling.
"I'm just not hungry Ba, really," I told him.
"You weren't like that before Friday, Lo,"  dad intervened. I tensed slightly.
"You've been acting weird since Friday, and it's concerning," he continued.
"I'm alright," I told them. I was gripping my knee under the table, trying to sound convincing.
Dad eyed me. Him and ba tried to read me, but only Luca and my mom could. They would always read me. I'm surprised Luca hasn't figured it out, even Roman figured it out before him.
"Quit the stare hon," ba scolded dad.
Dad waved it off.
"Just, let us know if something happened at that detention, alright?" He told me. My heart ached. I felt selfish if I told someone. Roman found out, that felt different.
I slowly nodded.
"Luca and your friend Virgil mentioned something with the teacher you had detention with. Ms. Hutchinson right?" He asked. I nodded again.
"Met her once, never again," ba said straightforward. "Homophobic, racist little-" he began but Roman and Luca came in. Ba only curses when really, really upset at someone or something.
"Hey," Dad hummed.
"Hey dad, ba- we gotta head out so we don't have time for food, sorry," Luca told them, giving them hugs.
"Dad and I will eat don't worry," ba hummed. "Stay safe, have fun at school," he told Luca.
"We will," Luca called out when rushing to the front of the house. Roman stayed at the doorway of the kitchen, looking at me when I stood up, grabbing my bag.
"You're so pretty," he hummed as I walked over. I rolled my eyes at him.
"You look like a snob," I laughed. He scoffed, pressing a kiss to my head.
Ba cleared his throat, making us quickly look at him and dad.
"Something going on between you two?" Dad asked. I blushed red quickly, Roman looking tensed before Luca honked his horn, yelling for us from his car.
"Gotta go, seeya dad, ba!" I quickly said, dragging Roman out.
"We'll still be talking about this!" Dad yelled before I shut the front door.
Roman laughed, making me scoff at him.
"Let's get to school idiot," I groaned. He laughed still, getting in the car.
Luca rushed into the school building right when Roman and I got out the car. I shrugged, going by him.
"Let's go?" I hummed. He smiled.
"Sure cutie," he said. He slung his arm over my shoulders, looking at something on his phone when we walked into the building.
Eyes were quickly on us.
We really stood out as a pair. The Grunge looking nerd with the preppy football player. Shocker.
"Oh yeah, I get one point cutie," Roman grinned, talking to me as we walked. "Luca said my outfit looked nicer."
I rolled my eyes. "Because it's his clothes dumbass."
"Su-" he began.
"ROMAN!" Remus suddenly yelled.
"Oo you in trouble Mr. One point man," I pouted. He glared like he wanted to bit my tongue, looking at Remus.
"What?" He asked.
"You left me with father to explain you sneaking out!" Remus scoffed.
"It was fine," Roman groaned.
"Whatever, anyways, why the hell are you two like- this- now? By the way nice fit Logan," Remus said.
"Thank you," I hummed, grinning at Roman. "A point to me," I grinned. He rolled his eyes.
"Well, stuff happened last night," he told Remus. Remus rose an eyebrow.
"Carpet matches the drapes much?" He joked. Roman glared.
"Not like that dumbass, we hanged out on the outskirts of town," he scoffed as if ready to smack Remus.
"So date."
"Sure," I responded before Roman.
"Dam, finally, the tension between you two was so thick," Remus groaned.
"Whatever," Roman rolled his eyes, leading him and I to our class.
"Lot of people staring eh?" Romam commented.
"The Grunge, dark looking nerd with the preppy football player? Yeah. Yeah they are staring," I told him. He looked at me.
"You're lucky you're cute," he hummed. I flicked his hand with my finger, making him laugh.
"Let's get to class cutie," he hummed, walking to our first class.
I think we both forgot who was that teacher until we got to to door.
"Mr. Alexander, Logan, finally," Ms. Hutchinson said outloud. I froze in my tracks, Roman looking up immediately.
"You know it's detention when you skip my class, Logan." She said grimly. I tensed up a bit.
Then I felt Roman mover his arm down to around my waist, picking me up suddenly and walk toward Luca's first class, science.
"What the hell are you doing?" I asked him.
"Getting away from that dam bitch," he muttered, setting me down outside of Luca's class and then look at me, quite serious.
"You need to tell someone," he told me. I grew more tensed. "Your parents and brother care a ton about you, they would want to know what happened to you." He added. I looked away.
"Hey," he hummed softly, holding my face with both of his hands to make me look at him.
"They would want to report her as badly as I want to," he said softly. "To be able to get rid of a teacher like that, furthermore, protect, well, you," he muttered, just holding my face. I stared at him.
He cares so much.. he wants to do something that would make you panic because it was told outloud, but rather let me ease onto it..
I brought my arms up as he let his hands drop, hugging him tightly. He hugged back, squeezing me slightly.
"Best bet is to tell one of your parents.." he said softly. "Luca would freak out clearly and your parents, from what I see, seem calm about a lot," he hummed, rubbing my back. I hugged him tighter.
"Thank you.."
"Of course cutie.."

1241 words
:] next one I think will be heart warming <3

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