The Sharpest Lives

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There's something about the dark. The feeling of uneasiness. The feeling of anxiousness that something might be lurking in the abyss before the eyes. Like that fleeting moment when you thought you saw something move in the corner of your eyes. Or when you feel like someone is watching you, following you.

A lot of people find the darkness scary. Especially young people, children if you will -just find it so frightening that they are in need of their mothers or fathers to tuck them in and kiss them goodnight. Just then, the fear would go away... Everything would be alright. Or so they thought.

But sooner or later, that reassurance would vanish.

A child, maybe more than one, would wake up out of the blue in the middle of their slumber and see nothing in their tiny rooms. Nothing but darkness.

Sometimes its the cluttering in the closet, the whisper of the wind as it rattles the window.

The fear would seep in once again in their little, innocent hearts and make them tremble in fear. Some of them might even think of calling their parents...

But they would be too scared to even take one step out of their beds, their sanctuary, the only place where the monster would not bite.

They would then decide to just hide under the covers and hope for the best. Hope for the monster to go back once again to where it dwells.

There's something about the dark. There's something IN the dark, and the children knew it. The children who knew so little but knew so well.

But not all children find it so terrifying...

In a small town in New Jersey, where mediocre people lived their mediocre lives, one little boy stood out. But because he stood out, people misunderstood him and considered him a freak. His father is a soldier, But no one considers him more superior other than the boy. To the boy, his father was a hero. His world. Everything he can look up to.

But to the people in the town, his father was no one but the husband of a lunatic.

The boy's mother have lost her sanity when he was but a small boy about to start attending the school. Because of that they became a laughingstock to the small minded people of their small town.

The boy's name was Gerard.

He had icy blonde hair, green eyes and very pale skin. He was quite prone to sickness, but he fights it every time it occurs to him. He was a special boy. Every thing he paid attention to was something out of the ordinary. And unlike the other children, he wasn't afraid of the dark.

The darkness was his friend. In the darkness he finds peace. He finds warmth, comfort and reassurance. He was one with it. It helps him cope up with all the mockery, pain and loneliness. He didn't have anyone to tuck him to sleep or give him a kiss goodnight. But he was fine with it. He was fine having the darkness as his only friend.

His mother was a lunatic. His father was always gone to fight.

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