No One Mourns The Dead

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A body was found in the woods the other day.

It was news, the kind of news people would be talking about for weeks. But in New Haven, they didn't. Nobody spoke a word. Like it was a forbidden case, and the authority knew that the less they talk about it, the faster people would forget.

It was an unfortunate soul. They found him in a clearing, dry and lifeless, small amount of blood was found gushing down from his eyes, a once bright green color staring skyward. But the face didn't looked shock. It was just blank like a mannequin's. He looked as if all the life was sucked out from his body but he didn't even try to stop it. Like all life was sucked out of him even before he died.

Everyone in town knew about it. But they know they would soon forget it as if no one had just been murdered in the woods and left for dead. Nothing important. But there was one boy who would always think it was, indeed, significant at all costs.
He was already broken, so it just felt numb. Yet deep within him great remorse and unbearable pain built in, for the body found in the woods was his father.

And Gerard Way never forgets.

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