
949 9 7

We have just arrived to this nice resturant which nobody is in. I think it's gonna be just us as there's one massive table and nobody else is there.
"Ok so I've reserved the resturant today as there's a lot of us and that's why nobody is here" my dad says to us all before sitting down.
There are names on the table for where we are sitting and next to me is bukayo and Declan and opposite me is Jude and the others are all in there seats.
"There are menus on everyone's side of the table so you have one each so pick what you want and I will come and get your orders soon" a lady says to us.
When the lady comes back all of us have our orders ready and she goes one by one writing down what we all want putting our names down aswell as there's so much of us and they don't want to mix up peoples food.

About 1 hr of talking and laughing the lady starts giving us all our food and we start eating.

After we eat we start to head back it's around 9 when we leave as it took an hour for the food to come as there were so many of us and we took our time to eat as we didn't have anywhere to be.

We are on the way back and I'm now sitting next to Jude this time. But as we are on the way back I get a message from Leyla.

                               Leyla 🫶🏼
Hey I have something
to tell you.

This is definitely bad it has a full stop at the end so ik it's gonna be something bad

                                                  What is it leyla
So erm I don't know how
to say this but I slept with

Wait she slept with my ex what the hell is wrong with her she is supposed my bestfriend and she goes and sleeps with my . What the fuck.

                                               What the fuck, when?
Last night.
                                             And you didn't tell me
                                             this morning so you
                                             tell me now. Wtf
Ik and I'm sorry
                                             Your supposed to be
                                             my bestfriend not
                                             a slut.
I'm not a slut
                                             Well it seems like it
                                             you have always been
                                             one every week you
                                             would fuck someone
No I wouldn't idk where
you got that from
                                              Well yes you would
No I wouldn't you know
forget this I ain't dealing
with you rn you are being
a bitch rn just coz I made
one mistake. Fuck you
don't be like that just coz
I slept with your ex it
was an accident and I'm not
no slut so don't call me one
just leave me alone.
                 Leyla 🫶🏼 blocked you

What the fuck is wrong with her she's turned into a right bitch what the fuck I don't know what's got into her. I was sitting on the bus with tears in my eyes but I tried wiping them away before anyone could notice. The whole ride back I didn't talk to anyone I just put headphones in and listened to music the whole time.

As soon as we got back I headed up to my room but Jude stopped me before I got to the stairs. "Hey y/n what's up with you" he asked with a concerned look on his face. I turned around and just said nothing was up and carried on walking but Jude stopped me again before I could move.
"I know there's something up, what's wrong?" He said holding my wrist.
"Nothing is up Jude just leave me alone please" I said with a harsh tone. He let go of me and I went to my room.

I took my makeup off and did my skincare and changed into pjs then went to bed as tonight wasn't the best after my bestfriend went off at me for telling her the truth idk what's got into her but she's changed. I put the tv on and watched tv for a bit then fell asleep.

It's the next morning around 9 and I go to look at my phone and see messages from bukayo

                             Bestfriend 💗
Hey y/n what's wrong
Jude said you went off
at him when we got back?
                                                 Nothing I just got
                                                 news I didn't want
                                                 to hear and I didn't
                                                  mean to go off on
                                                 Jude I'll talk to him
Ok coz he's been in a
frown all morning
                                               I'll talk to him later
Ok I'll see u in a bit
Opened 9:10

I didn't mean to go off at Jude I was just in a bad mood. I get up and get ready and then go downstairs and find Jude.

They was inside the lounge so I went in and went to get Jude.
"Hey Jude can I talk to you" I said as he gets up and follows me out of the room.
"Look I'm sorry for going off on you last night I got a message and it wasn't good so it ruined my mood for the rest of the night so I'm sorry that I went off on you I didn't mean to" I said to him as he stands there looking around
"It's fine y/n it really is" he said back looking at me
"Ok that good coz I didn't wanna ruin your mood for today when bukayo told me u had a frown all day I felt so bad about it so I wanted to let you know that you didn't do anything if you thought you did" I said before giving him a hug.
"It's ok really you don't have to apologise" he said pulling away from the hug.

We both walked back into the lounge and sat down.
"So Jude are you gonna tell her" bukayo said to Jude with a smirk in his face.
Tell me what. What is he on abt
"Oh yeah, y/n wanna go out tonight with me for dinner?" He said nervously.
I sat there for a bit thinking about what he just said. Is he asking me in a date? Or is it just a friend thing? I'm hoping it's not a friend thing.
"You want to go on a date with me?" Was the first thing to come out of my mouth omg I didn't wanna say that.
"Erm yeah" Jude said to me still looking nervous
"Yeah sure" I said back nervously back to him and I started blushing so I had to try hide it but I couldn't.
"She's blushing guyssss" bukayo blurred out and made me feel embarassed. Everybody just laughed even Jude did.
"Ok so be ready by 7" Jude said to me still kind of laughing.

Ok so I have all day it's only 10 am. But the boys have training at 11-3 so I have all day ti make sure I have a good outfit and showed and everything. I'm so nervous maybe this will be the time I tell him about how I feel. I don't know just have to wait until the date.

So Jude asked y/n on a date I wonder how that's gonna go we just have to wait and see. Does y/n tell Jude how she feels and does Jude feel the same way??

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