The question

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I follow my dad and we go into his office as he wanted to talk to me. I don't know what he wanted to talk about but he looked like he wanted to talk about something serious I'm hoping it isn't bad. Jude went to his room after we said goodnight.

"Y/n where were you" he asked me as i sat there nervously
"Erm i went on a date with Jude" i said still looking nervous
"I said not to be distracting the boys and you go on a date with Jude" he said sounding more angry
"Well I couldn't just let him down after he asked me and I wanted to go with him coz he's a nice guy and I thought it would be nice to go out with him for one night" i said standing up and sounding more angry.
"But I told you not to do anything like that and you do it anyways i don't want you distracting Jude from football and all that he's a good player and he's good on the pitch and if he's going in dates with you he's going to get distracted and I don't want that" he started shouting
"Well I can't help how I feel for someone and neither can he it's not his fault or mine" i shouted
"I don't care y/n I'm not allowing you to do that right now we have a tournament and they can't be getting distracted and you are doing that you are taking their minds off of football"
"I'm not doing shit and you can't tell me what to do I'm an adult I do what I want"
"I don't care your my daughter and the boys are like my sons and I don't want you getting in the way of their career"
"Ok fine I'll leave then I'll go live on my own I'll leave Qatar and go back home at this point I don't give a shit" i shouted as i left the room and slammed the door behind me.

I went straight to my room but I saw Jude i tried to avoid him but he saw me before I could get in my room.
"He y/n are you ok" he said walking up to me
"Yes I'm fine just tired" i lied
"You don't look fine whats wrong"
" nothing is wrong ok just leave me alone and stop asking if I'm ok I'm fine and I don't need your sympathy in anything" i slightly shouted
"Oh" he said walking off

I just went in my room coz i was in a bad mood I went to sleep to try and forget what happened.


It was now the day of the next match. England vs USA and I still haven't spoke to my dad or Jude since that night. I just haven't been in the right mood to talk to any of them especially my dad after he shouted at me like that just because I went on a date with Jude.

Jude was kind of avoiding me as i did shout at him after that argument with my dad and ever since he hasn't wanted to speak to me. Personally I think he's just being dramatic but it's all him anyways so I will let him be.

We are all on our way to the stadium and somehow I got put next to jude. I wasn't mad about it but I think iude was as he was trying to get his seat swapped with someone else but everyone said no so he has to sit next to me ig.

"Hey jude" i said to him as he sat down
"Hi" he said back not even looking at me
"Look I'm sorry for shouting at you my dad pissed me off and I was pissed off and I took my anger out on you and I shouldn't have and I'm really sorry i don't want us to stay like this" i said to him
"It's fine" he said still not looking at me
"Jude look at me" i say as i turn his head around and he is still trying to avoid eye contact
"Look I'm sorry ok i really am I don't want us to stay in the no talking stage coz that hurts me" i say still holding on to his face. He moved his head and still didn't look at me and said it's fine again and I know it's not fine just by looking at him but if he don't want to look at me then that's fine coz he can't keep his eyes off me forever.

We arrived at the stadium and the boys as usual go to the changing room and I sit outside with some of the England staff waiting for them to come out and start the game.

A while later they came out and kick off had started. Jude still hasn't looked at me or spoke to me. It was kind of making me annoyed coz i really don't like when we don't talk.

It's half time and none of the teams had scored goals yet but it was only half time so they have second half to try get goals

It's the second half and nothing has happened yet still tbh this is one of the most boring games I've sat through even when I watch football games on tv they aren't as boring as this.

It's now full time and it's 0-0

After a while of the players talking to their family we all leave and get back on the bus and make our way back but before we get on the bus I talk to Jude coz he can't stay like this forever.

"Jude, come here I want to talk to you" i shouted before he could get to the changing room to get his stuff and whatever else.
"Jude you can't stay like this forever you have to talk to me" i said to him as he turns around and finally looks at me.
"I know I can't but you went off on me again and didn't speak to me at all since then until we got on the bus today"
"I didn't speak to you because you were avoiding me Jude i wanted to talk ti you but it didn't look like you wanted me to talk to you so I left you alone" i said looking at him in the eyes.
"I didn't want you to leave me alone I wanted you to talk to me and apologise that's why I'd dint speak to you on the bus" he said staring into my eyes so that we are making eyes contact.
Ik it would be bad if I say this but I really want to kiss him rn but if I do i will get in more trouble with my dad then what I'm already in and I don't want the drama but I don't care i want to kiss him so bad rn he's just standing there looking so perfect.
"Look y/n im sorry is didn't try speak to you but I didn't want to cause problems so I wanted to wait for you and then just now I found out you were waiting for me so maybe that's why we haven't spoke coz we were both waiting for each other"
Tbh i wasn't really listening coz i was to busy staring into is gorgeous brown eyes
"Y/n did you hear me" he says clocking his fingers. I snap out of my gaze and put my hands around his neck, i move closer and so does he and then I kiss him and he kisses me back. Omfg the butterflies I got in my stomach at that moment would have had me on the floor. His lips are so soft and perfect just as much as the rest of him. I pull away and just stare into his eyes again and just think what my dad would say about this tbh i don't care what he says coz at the end of the day how I feel doesn't effect how someone plays football and the way he feels doesn't affect the way he plays.
"Y/n" Jude said looking at me nervously
"Yeah" i said gazing into his eyes still
"Can I ask you something"
"Yeah sure"
"I know we've known eachother for ably about two weeks but do u wanna be my gf?" Jude said very nervously. I had to stand there for a moment to take in what he's just said. Did he just ask me to be his gf or am I tripping. I think he asked me to be his gf.
"Ok" i say
"Ok as in u wanna be my gf" he said smiling
"Yes idiot" i say laughing at him and then kiss him again
"I'm so glad I met you Jude" i say to him after pulling away from the kiss. By this time everyone was waiting for us on the bus.

"Finally they are here what were you two doing making out or something" bukayo said
Me and Jude just looked at eachother and went to our seats. Me and Jude was still sitting next to eachother. So we spoke the whole time.

We got back and as soon as we got back we all went to bed as it was very late and we were all tired especially the boys.

Hope you enjoyed this part

So Jude finally asked the question

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