I hate you

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It was now a few days later. And it was the next match we had. England vs Wales. I'm hoping the boys do good this game aswell. And everything between me and Jude is going well our relationship is perfect. We haven't told anybody about us tho as we don't want to tell them just yet so we are keeping it to ourselves for now but other than that we are amazing. Jude is so amazing he treats me well he's always there when I need him and I'm just so lucky to have him. I'm gonna be sad when the World Cup ends coz i don't know if I will see him again after the World Cup.

We are all making our way to the stadium.i decided to sit next to bukayo as we haven't really hung out much since Jude asked me to be his gf as I've been with Jude a lot and if I'm not I'm with all of the boys.
"Hey" i say to him as he sits down
"Hey y/n, how you been?" He said turning to look at me
"I've been good"
"That's good, haven't spoke to you in a while where you been"
"With Jude a lot or in my room watching Netflix all day"
"Oh so you have been with Jude that's why u two are not often seen after training" he says with a smirk
"Yeah most of the time" i say laughing a little
"So what you and Jude been up to" he said still with the smirk on his face
"Nothing really just talking most of the time" we was really just watching movies most of the time acctually.
"Oh ok, so no making out or nothing like that no, just talking"
"Erm yeah just talking" i lied
"Ok then" he said turning his phone on

We are now at the stadium and before the boys go in I talk to them.
"Good luck with the game boys, i know you always do good when it comes to football so make sure you do better" i said looking around at all of them.
"Thank you" they all said

It's now kick off and they have started playing. 

It's now half time and no goals have been scored so maybe second half there will be some goals.

It's now 50 mins in and we have a free kick and Marcus is doing it. I hope it's goes in.
When Marcus kicks it, it goes straight in.
I jump up and scream so loud that I'm pretty sure the whole stadium heard me. That free kick was amazing I couldn't help but scream. One minute later Phil scores and I scream again two goals in one minute.

It's now almost 70 mins in and another goal my Marcus. I jump up and scream again obviously. I'm pretty sure I won't be able to speak after but oh well.

It's full time and nothing else happened. But the boys did so well.

"You guys did so well today" i said smiling at them all
"Thank you y/n" they all said
"And Marcus that free kick was amazing, I'm surprised I can even talk with all the screaming I did" i said laughing
"Thank you y/n, and I'm pretty sure the whole stadium could hear you screaming coz i know I did" he said giving me a hug
"I know Im loud" i say still laughing
"I can tell" he said back now laughing too

We are all now going back and I decided to sit next to Jude this time as i hadn't spoke to him all day.
"Heyy Jude" i say with a smile on my face
"Hey" he said looking at me
"On to the next round now"
"Yeah I know"
"Im proud of you all"
"Thank you y/n"
"You all did so good"
He seems a bit off he didn't really look at me that much and usually he can't keep his eyes off of me
"Hey are you ok"
"Yeah I'm fine y/n, just tired" he said yawning
"We are all tired Jude" i say laughing
He just looks at me and smiles. He lays his head on my shoulder and eventually falls asleep. How cute. He's so cute when he sleeps.
                   Y/n_southgate's story

Caption: todays match was that tiring that everyone's falling asleep🤣 @judebellingham

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Caption: todays match was that tiring that everyone's falling asleep🤣 @judebellingham

Bukayosaka replied to your story
^im still awake I'm not everyone
^thats good coz i have nobody to talk to so talk to me pleaseee broo I'm bored
^ill come sit in front of you 👍
^thank youuu bro

Bukayo came and sat in front of me to talk to he coz i was bored and Jude was sleeping so I can't talk to him and bukayo is the only one awake. We spoke for the whole journey back and Jude slept the whole time so I had to wake him up.
"Jude wake up we at back" i said poking him
He moved and looked up at me with a smile. I smiled back and we both got up and got off the bus.

We went in and as soon as i got off the bus I heard someone say my name
"Y/n i want to talk to you" i hear my dad say from behind me
"What do you want this time"
"I want to talk to you abt you and Jude, i know you guys have been hanging out a lot"
"Ok we hang out a lot and what it doesn't matter"
"Yh but I've noticed it's everyday you are with him after training we never see you or Jude anymore"
"Yeah well maybe coz i want to hang out with my boyfriend after training"
"What he's your boyfriend"
"Yes he is" i say smiling
"I thought I told you not to start dating any of the boys or have anything for any of them"
"Ok well I can't help how I feel about him ok, i love him and your not gonna tell me how I'm supposed to feel" i shouted
"Well I'm sorry but I can't have you ruining his career right now"
"You know what I can't deal with this no more"
"Y/n don't walk away from me I'm not done with you" he shouted to me and I started walking
"What do you want there's nothing else I want to say to you"
"You know what just go i don't care anymore your making this harder for me"
"I hate you, you don't let me live my life here i love Jude and your not gonna stop me from being with him" i shouted louder than before and walked off

I saw the boys and just walked straight past them to my room but Jude followed me. I didn't want to snap at him again coz the last time I did that we didn't talk until the last match so I tried to stay calm.
"Hey y/n what happened" he said taking my hand
"Nothing I just wanna go to sleep"
"Somethings up and you know you can tell me"
"Ugh it's nothing really it's just my dad telling me what i can and can't do it's fine I swear" but it's not fine I lied and said it was fine but it really wasn't.
"No it's not fine coz if it was fine i would know"
"Fine my dad is telling me i can't be with you and I keep telling him I can't control how I feel and he still keeps trying to break us apart and I'm not gonna let him break us apart"
"Y/n you know nothing will break us apart ok so you don't need to worry about anything ok he won't get in between us coz i won't let him whether that causes me to be off the team or not he's not breaking us up"
"But I'm not trying to ruin your football career by being here I might just go back home and just live on my own I only came here coz i thought it would give me time with my dad but no it lead me here to fall in love with a footballer who is amazing and just perfect and I didn't plan on doing that I wasn't even gonna stay for long"
"Your not going ti ruin my football career by being here by being here your making me happy your actually making my career better just by being here"
"But still"
"But nothing nothing is going to happen to us because i love you and I'm gonna fight for us no matter what"
"Aw Jude fuck it i don't care what my dad says, i love you too" i say and then I kiss him knowing the boys are just around the corner and probably watching us right now.
"Nothing will break us apart I promise"
"Just promise me that you will still fight for your football career aswell coz i don't want to ruin it"
"I promise" he said and I hugged him then I went to my room and Jude went to the boys.

I got into my pjs and went to sleep as it was a long night.

Wow the first I love you wonder what y/n dad is gonna say?.

I'm going to start writing another story but that one will be one or two parts a day as I'll be writing this one.

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