All Alone (Nikki Sixx)

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Nikki Sixx~Mötley Crüe
I'm obsessed w him
Also heyyyyy don't expect fast updates but it's an update no less

Working with Mötley Crüe is a feat. Most members of the bands supporting crew don't often keep this job long due to the reckless and erratic behaviours of the band.

In the beginning, the boys had been giving me shit the first few months, however that all changed before a show, about a year ago.

Nikki was backstage pissing around, being his usual dickhead self before a show. I simply smile and let him do his thing. Continuing with the sound set up, I pay him no mind.

"Y/N how come you never get angry when the boys and I piss around with you? Like we've come up with everything we can think of to try to rile you up, but we can't? Why the fuck not!" He cries, playfully exasperated.

"You are Mötley Crüe, I expected this. You've made a name for yourself. I don't mind repairing broken equipment, or seeing Tommy's naked ass day in and day out. I get a handsome paycheque at the end of the day so your guys' antics won't sway me," I state, fiddling around with some wiring. "Plus, I like my work, and there's no other band I'd want to sound check."

And just like that, they've left me alone ever since. In fact nowadays they even cooperate, and dare I say, help me out in checks. Over the time I've worked with them, I've slowly became closer with each one of them.

Starting with Mick, we had gotten along since day one. He does bullshit, and we can confide in each other with ease. When ever I'm doing sound checks Mick and I piss around playing riffs together making sure all the equipment is stable.

Next was Nikki, surprisingly. He was the worst of them when it came to messing with equipment. However after hearing the the Crüe were my favourite band he became my number one bodyguard. He follows me around checks and makes sure everything goes as fast and as easy as possible so, as he puts it, 'I can spend time with the worlds most devilishly handsome bass player' when in reality it's just me sitting backstage with the guys until they got out on stage, wrestling them like children.

After was Vince, once he finally got it through his head that I would fuck him once to cross him off the bucket list, and he finished taking offence, he actually became a good shit. We laugh and joke around, and I often find myself being his wingwoman when it comes to shows and finding the most eligible bachelorette.

Lastly was Tommy, shockingly. In his words it wasn't anything personal, just that they are Mötley Crüe and messing with the equipment team is what they do, and he was put off that the other guys folded so quickly. However it didn't take too long after that for to Tommy come around.

Currently, we are on the road back home. We are half way done the tour, however Tommy and Vince wanted to come home for the holidays to visit their families over the holidays. Mick had gotten an opportunity to fly to Belgium to record with an up and coming band there. So that leaves my dear bassist Mr. Sixx, alone, not able to spend the holidays with his family, with his boys.

He won't admit it, but he can feel his loneliness get the best of him, and though not many people can tell, as Nikki is a master of hiding his true feelings and thoughts, I've spent more than enough time studying his body language to know that this is affecting him. No one else had mentioned anything, so I've kept it on the DL, but being a little kinder to the bassist, and most definitely handling with the utmost care.

"Oh man, it's going to be so nice to see my mom again! And her cooking, fucking unbelievable!" Tommy exclaims, playing a fast syncopated rhythm with his drumsticks on the table. I wince softly, and look over at Nikki who lets out a defeated sigh, and rolls over in his bunk.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2023 ⏰

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