Metallica Preference #1

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How you met

You met James at a bar, (surprised?) this was way back when Metallica wasn't to popular, and they were just starting out, playing bar gigs. You went to the bar because your friend made you come along with her boyfriend, but they left you. After the show, you sat at the bar, and James came and sat a few stools away. You congratulated him on a great performance and he smiles, and orders you both a shot. By the end of the night you both end up drunk and passed out on your couch.

How you met Lars was were you'd least expect to met anyone. It was a Friday evening, and you just got fired, and to top that off your boyfriend broke up with you. You went to the bar your friend works at but never ended up drinking. We went outside to the back alley for a smoke and started to cry, it has not been your day. You walked a ways way in and sit against a dumpster, blubbering like a baby. Well Lars heard your cries when we went out for a smoke break, and came to your rescue. You sat there for hours with his arm wrapped around your shoulder as you talked.

Cliff and you met back in high school. You ended up having to move schools, and your first day of grade eleven was surprisingly pleasant because of Cliff. Miraculously, you had the same classes, first being a spare. You sat in the hall and heard a bass line coming from somewhere in the school. You looked around and finally found a room, there playing was Cliff. You ended up talking about music all day, and even after school, you went to a record shop and picked out vinyls and albums you liked.

Being the best friend of Lars Ulrich, you both had it out for their best interest in each others love department. So one day Lars told you about this seemingly incredible man he set you up with for a blind date. At first the date was awful, he was late picking you up, you went to a fancy restaurant where he had set a reservation, that took the employees forever to figure out, once you were seated it was awfully awkward, and on top of that the food was awful. Dave apologized, and finally asked if you'd like to go out to a nearby bar. You gladly agreed, needing and drink after this hot mess of a date. There you ended up taking quite a liking to the redhead, and the date wasn't as bad as you thought. You owed Lars for this one.

Kirk and you have been friends since you were kids, you were neighbors in your childhood homes, your windows were directly across from each other, and you MacGyvered a little board so you could get into each others rooms with ease. Being neighbors, and best friends, you did everything together. You spent every waking moment together, through elementary all the way to high school, he was there for you, and you were there for him. You could never ask for a better best friend.

Being Y/N Hetfield, you've met every single Tallica boy, and even try outs. So when James wanted you to meet the new member, you two were instantly drawn together. Jason was super sweet to you, it made you smiley and giggly, and being the sister of metal band frontman James Hetfield, you were not smiley and giggly. The rest of the band noticed too, but didn't say anything as they just wanted to practice. Jason didn't say much, but kept throwing a loose glance your way, he was trying his hardest not only to fuck ip in front of the band, but also not to fuck up in front of the prettiest girl he's ever met. That night you and the guys went out for drink, and Jason ended up taking you to his place because you were pissed to go home yourself.

You met Rob years before he joined Metallica. It was actually through a band you two met. Fresh out of high school you left your hometown and set off into the world. You were sitting in a bar one night when a band came on stage. At the beginning of their set they said they were looking for a new drummer, fortunately for you, you were a drummer. After their set, you went up to find one of the members, coming across the bassist. You said you'd been looking for a band, and he happily offered you a tryout time. You eagerly agreed, and set out home to practice. Long story short you made it in their band and the rest was history.

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