Living On a Prayer (Jon Bon Jovi)

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Jon Bon Jovi~Bon Jovi
I'm a bitch for Jon Bon Jovi
Also, high school au

I wipe tears from my face, and sigh. I play with dials on the car stereo, but nothing good is playing, so instead I sit in silence. I pull up to Jon's house, and walk up to the door, softly rapping upon it. Soon the door swings open to reveal a smiling Jon. He pouts for a moment, noticing my puffy eyes and red nose, and opens his arms. I walk directly into his embrace, and bury my head into his chest, as he wraps his arms around me and closes the door.

"What's wrong love? Why are you here? I mean I'm more than thrilled that you're here, but you usually call," he asks. I don't say anything, as I try to gain stability over my sad composure , I shake my head and look up at him. I take his hand and lead him to his room. Once we reach his room, he flops on his bed, and I go to his closet and pick out a hoodie and some plaid pyjama pants. Swiftly I get change and go sit down beside him.

"My parents love to think that I don't do anything ever and am such an ungrateful child, and all I do is sit on my ass all day long," I mumble, blinking to keep myself from crying, playing with the cuffs of my sleeves. Jon frowns, and sits behind me pulling me into his chest. "They make a point to tell me constantly when they know I work three jobs, clean the house almost everyday, I cook for my siblings, get them ready and get them off to school every morning, but they have a way of making me feel like I don't do enough. All I hear is how I always sit on my ass while y/s/n does all the work when we all know she doesn't do shit all to help me," I explain. "And the things they do for me they like to think I'm so ungrateful. Like dude, I'm very thankful that you pay for all my fucking lessons, but I never have time to actually practice because I'm too fucking busy doing all this other shit!" I rant. He sits and listens, resting his chin on my shoulder. I go on for awhile and Jon doesn't speak, just nods.

"I'm sorry love," He says softly. "Living on a prayer hey?" he asks.

"Living on a fucking prayer," I mutter, closing my eyes. "When can we leave here Jon? I hate this town, I hate these people, I hate everything about my life but you Jon, I want to change, I want to leave here," I exclaim.

"We're halfway there love. Once we graduate, us and the boys will move down to L.A. and my band, we'll go far, I'm sure of it, and you'll be there, every step of the way, we will be inseparable," he starts, he then jumps up standing on the end of his bed, "whether the boys and out rocking out on stage," he says as he starts to play the air guitar, "or we're traveling on the tour bus," he then acts out a driving action, making me laugh, "or even making music videos," and his new persona is a camera man, "it'll be you and me, and we will conquer everyday together love, I want you right beside me until we die Y/N, because I love you," he exclaims, jumping down beside me.

"That sounds lovely, I can't wait," I smile. "And I love you too Jon."

"Then marry me Y/N," he says quietly, and I stare at him curiously, trying to figure out if he's serious or not.


"You heard me, marry me," He says again, as his contagious smile lights up his face. "Please?" I think for a moment and nod, pulling him in for hug, burying my smile into his chest. "Is that a yes?" He draws out, and I look up at him and smile.

"It's a yes Jon!" I whisper. He picks me up and spins me around and lets out a triumphant laugh.

"I love you so much Y/N, so much!" He smiles.

"This is single handedly the most stupid thing we've done," I laugh, and he nods in agreement.

"Let's go tell the boys!" He exclaims, setting me, but taking my hand. I don't budge, as he tries to walk away. I gesture to what I'm wearing and the puffy and red eyes.

"I look like a hot mess! Can we swing by my house so I can pick up some different clothes?" I ask, biting my lips.

"Love, you look beautiful as ever. The guys won't care, but of course we can," he smiles, as we race down the stairs. We hop in his car, and speed off to my house, singing along to Led Zeppelin which plays on the radio. We pull up into my house, and I race up the stairs. I pull on some jeans, but I keep on Jon's sweater. I fix my hair, and put on some make up. I look in the mirror and smile at my appearance, everything is coming up swell. I run downstairs, and grab two cases of beer, and my pack of cigarettes and race off to the car. I open the door and huff, smiling at Jon, then I start lighting up a smoke.

"Ready babe?" I ask, playing with his hair, and nods, and kisses my hand, "then let's rock and roll!" We blaze through the busy Jersey streets, until we Richie Sambora's house. I giggle and pull Jon along to the back entrance, and he smiles, trying to light his cigarette. He pulls open the door, and sure enough all the guys are sitting there. Tico is sitting behind a drum kit, with a girl in his lap as he 'teaches' her how to play. David sits on the arm rest, telling some story, with wild arm gestures, spilling his beer all over. Alec and his girlfriend and Davids girlfriend listen intently to his story. Lastly Richie and his newest fling are making out on the reclining chair, her in his lap, and his hands are placed upon her ass. David looks over at us and waves at us. I hold up the cases and he cheers, running over to me. He picks me up at throws me over his shoulder running around happily chanting,

"Y/N IS THE BEER GODDESS. WE OWE OUR LIVES TO THE BEER GODDESS!" He runs by Tico, and he reaches up and slaps my ass, earning a scream from me, and a eye roll from his girl. Finally David puts me down, and places both hands on my shoulders.

"Y/N, I love you, and I'd Jon doesn't marry you, I will," he says seriously, making me smile, look over at Jon, who is smiling right back at me. David looks at me then at Jon then at me then back at Jon. "Something's going on," he says suspiciously. I just shrug, and jump on Jons back.

"Well Y/N and I have some news to tell you," Jon smirks, making me instantly become shy, and I bury my face in his sweater, breathing the mixed scent of his cologne and cigarettes. All of their heads in the room turn to us, well except for Richies new thing, her lips are attached to his neck, like seriously attached. Jon looks up at me, and smiles softly, "should we tell them?"

"I mean we could," I shrug.

"Well do you want too?"

"No you can."

"Fuck, just tell us!" Tico yells, and we chuckle.

"Alright, well Y/N and I are getting married!" He says happily. David spits out his beer, and stares at us in shock.

"Since when?" Richie asks.

"Since about an hour ago!" I shrug. Alec is the first to congratulate us,

"Congratulations guys, I'm it's very stupid of you, and I don't understand why, but I'm not gonna question it," he says smiling. Jon nods at him, and I give him a quick salute. I get off Jon's back, and sit beside David and his girlfriend April, passing both a beer, and opening one myself.

"I guess I can't marry you," David jokes, earning a slap on his arm from April. "I'm kidding!" He says, putting his arms in defence. Jon sits on the other couch talking to Alec, but keeps glancing over towards me, smiling at me, pulling the occasional face at me.

"I love you," he mouths.

"I love you too," I mouth back.

I love Jon Bon Jovi so much you guys. Anyways this was all of the map and school starts next week, but I'll try to update as much as possible.

If you're reading this comment your favourite Bon Jovi song.

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