Cherry Pie (Jani Lane)

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Jani Lane~Warrant

Being in an all female rock band is all I've ever dreamed of doing since I was a kid. Now that my dreams have became a reality I couldn't be more thrilled. My band Cherry Bomb has taken off drastically, and I'd like to say we're one of the most recognizable bands out there. That's because of our dramatic costumes and false personas we've created for each member. I'm Cherry, the lead singer, the look is complete with a red and black wig, outrageous make up, a short black and red latex dress with a hoop skirt with big platform boots, the shoes are the best part by far. We've been compared to KISS in reference to the costumes. We created the characters to hide who we are from the media so we wouldn't be hassled by the public.

Currently, I'm dating Warrant's lead singer, Jani Lane, and it's great, he is super sweet, kind of an airhead, but I still love him. We never really get out, because the world knows Jani Lane is dating Cherry, but they don't know Cherry is Y/N, but he understands. We started dating a few years ago, when Cherry Bomb wasn't at all popular. Jani wrote Cherry Pie for me, which to this day I still can't believe he did. We just got back from touring with each other for eight months which was a completely new experience for me, but both bands had a ball besides a minor dispute between my drummer and Jani.

As of today, I'm supposed to be in Toronto for some interviews for another three days, but due to an issue with the interviewing company, they were cancelled and I get to come back home. I'm out in the front working in the flower beds of mine and Jani's house.

"Hey babe!" A voice rings out. I stand up, wiping the sweat beads off of my forehead, and smile up at him.

"Hi Jani!" I smile, wrapping my arms around his neck, standing on my tip toes, I peck his lips. He smiles, and kisses my nose.

"You're back early? Aren't you supposed to be back on Friday?" He questions, furrowing his brow. I nod, and peck his lips once more, as we head inside.

"Yeah, the interviews were cancelled due to some issues. I think most of the reporters have been caught stealing equipment and stuff. I dunno. They're going to court anyways, so I got to come home and now I get to see you!" I smile up at him.

"Right on babe! I was gonna clean up the house, deal with all the tour things by time you got back, but these last few days have been hectic," he explains, scratching the back of his neck. I pout at him, and he chuckles, poking my bottom lip.

"That's alright, I don't mind cleaning. As long as I can take a long, hot bath tonight, I think I can help!" I say as we open the front door.

"Care if I join you?" He asks with a sly smirk.

"Sure! But no funny business mister, I mea-holy hell this is a mess!" I cut my thoughts short looking at the mounds of bags and luggage piled up all around. He picks me up from behind and spins me around making me squeal.

"Let's get cleaning babe!" He exclaims, putting me down, then hanging up his leather jacket. I file through the milk crates of records and pull out a Rod Stewart vinyl. Turning up the music, Da Ya Think I'm Sexy is up first, and I smirk at Jani, starting to clean up. We both grab an item from the mess, using it as a microphone, preforming our favourite song. Once the song is over we collapse on the couch in a fit of laughter.

"Our babies better be able to sing beautifully," he huffs.

"With us as parents, damn straight they'll sing beautifully!" I exclaim. We proceed on with cleaning, and eventually we both fall asleep on the couch due to exhaustion.


The next day rolls around, and later tonight we play at a local bar. As of right now, I'm out getting some groceries, being on tour for months on end, there tends to be little food in your house. I stand in line, absentmindedly looking at all the magazines, listening mummers around me. My eyes stumble upon a magazine and in bright bold yellow letters it reads,

'WARRANTS FRONTMAN JANI LANE CHEATING ON CHERRY BOMB FRONTWOMAN CHERRY? Caught kissing mystery girl yesterday outside of LA home!' 

I furrow my brow, and flip open to page 18 to see a picture of Jani and I (out of costume) kissing outside of our home from yesterday. I laugh to myself, grabbing all the copies of the magazine and tossing them in the cart. I chuckle to myself as I proceed to pay.

"Hi ma'am, how are yo- you're the mystery girl!" The cashier cuts herself short, staring at me in disbelief.

"I'm not... no I'm... that's not... it appears so," I stutter, eventually sighing giving up.

"Shit! Cherry's gonna be pissed! She's so feisty, dude, I got into a fight with her at a bar once, best night of my life, it was a weird night though, but like Cherry is great. I love her so much," she laughs, recalling the memory, scanning all my items.

"That was you!" I ask, remembering that night. She nods and smiles, "dude that fight was epic! I was there that night. You really gave her a run for her money!" I laugh. Finishing up, I laugh the whole way home. Getting home I unload, and start on my stage persona.


Warrant and Cherry Bomb just finished playing, and both bands are sitting in a round corner booth laughing and drinking.

"Oh lord guys!" I laugh, pulling out all the magazines. "The paparazzi is insane here! I was out grocery shopping and in the magazine stands I saw this!" I laugh, grabbing Jani's hand under the table. "Who is she Jani? Anyone I'd know?" I tease.

"I dunno Cherry, you might know her. You must have missed her when you came home yesterday. The sex is much better with her than you!" He laughs.

"Don't worry Jani, I have a secret lover too, Dani. He such a tender, compassionate romantic, we were gonna run away together after the show tonight, start a family together in Greece. That's where he's from don't you know," I smile, making the story up right in the spot. Everyone laughs reading the articles.

"I love you Y/N," he whispers into my ear.

"I love your too Jani. Hey girls, do you guys ever get sick of hiding?" I ask my band.

"Yeah, it gets to be a little much sometimes. Like I love being Rocky, but the world needs to know Vivian," our drummer Vivian sighs.

"You guys should do like an epic reveal or some shit like that! That would be fucking awesome!" Joey says, soon ordering another round of shots.

"Joey, I don't know if I can take another round of shots," Steven says, obviously shitface drunk.

"Me either, I have a kid to go home to," my bassist Pauline sighs. "Jeez this article is hilarious," she laughs, looking at the magazine cover.

"Jani and I will take your shots then!" I say, grabbing four shots for the two of us.

Later Jani and I stumble through the door, laughing at some joke Joey said earlier. We head upstairs to our bedroom. He quickly u dresses and lays on the bed. I discard my clothes and sit in the bath, letting the warm water envelope me as I start washing off the stage make up.

"I love you Jani," I hum.

"I love you too Y/N, even if you do have a secret lover Dani," he chuckles.

"Dani is nice and all, but he's no Jani Lane, Jani Lane is the only man I'll ever love," I sigh happily.

"And Y/N is the only woman I'll ever need," he says softly.

A/N: RIP Jani Lane

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