And Then I Lied | WAIT |

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I said; "I will never fall in love."

They said; "You're joking."

But they actually don't believe that I can't fall in love,

So they assume that,

I avoided it.

I actually like her.

I actually like him.

When I actually don't.

Do you hear my heart beats because of someone?

Do you think I actually like anyone?

Do you see why I care for anyone?

It's because I am me,

It's because I can't fall in love,

It's because I am insane,

That I never know any reason to feel these.

Do you actually care?

Your teases actually don't work,

I'm just pretending to be,

I'm the same.

I'm the mask.

I'm drunk,

That I sank too deep in my miserable life.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 01 ⏰

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