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Five days have passed since Y/n has been taken in by the DMC Crew. With every day that passes in this realm Y/n's worry grows. Is anyone looking for her?
Countless thoughts circle in her mind while Nico's tinkering fills the van with noise. Nico found Y/n's broken phone and is trying to fix it.
"Hey, Y/n! Quit sulking!" Y/n falls out of her bubble and looks over to Nico. "What?"
"You heard me! Go outside, check on Nero until I'm done." With nothing else to do Y/n gets up from the couch with a sigh to leave the van. Outside she can't find Nero anywhere but is immediately attracted by multiple gunshots coming from outside the garage.

Just as expected she finds him outside shooting at empty cans. "Hey", She says as she walks up to him. "Hey, Nico send you here?" Y/n nods as Nero reloads his gun.
He aims at another can and pulls the trigger, he easily hits the middle of the can. It falls to the ground with a bang.

"Show off", Y/n scoffs as she crosses her arms in front of her chest. "Impressed?"
"A little." Nero looks down at the gun in his hand and back at Y/n. "Want a go", He asks not really sure what else to do with her. "Me", Y/n asks as her eyes widen. "Uhm, no thanks. I'm not very fond of guns."
"Fond of guns or not, in this universe you need them to survive." He has a point. Hesitantly Y/n takes the gun from Nero's hands. This is her first time holding a weapon this dangerous.

Suddenly Nero places himself behind her.
"Okay, so you want to hold the gun correctly." He takes her hands and places them on the gun correctly causing Y/n to blush and become flustered.

"Then you hold your arm up and aim", He continues to explain as Y/n lifts the gun trying to aim for one of the many empty cans lined up on a concrete wall. "Pull the trigger."

Y/n hesitantly pulls the trigger and is slightly knocked back by it's force, right into Nero's chest. "Careful", He says. "You okay?" Y/n nods. "Can I try again?" Nero smiles.
"Sure, you need to be careful with that knock back." He quickly reloads the gun to give Y/n another chance.
As Y/n lifts the weapon to aim Nero places himself behind her once again and puts his hands on her waist to support her stance.
She pulls the trigger once again and finally hits one of the colorful cans. "Oh my god! I hit one", She yells with a grin.

"Hey, Y/n! Your phone's ready!" Nico's eyes widen. "You gave her a gun!" Nero and Y/n twitch at Nico's high pitched shriek. "She needs to know how to defend herself", Nero tries to defend them.
"You gave her a gun! I'm going to kill you!"
"You said my phone is ready?" This question stops the argument immediately. Nero's and Nico's curiosity is just too much to handle. Y/n grabs the phone out of Nico's hand and turns it on.
"Oh my god, it actually works", She mumbles.

"Show me! What secrets does this little thing hold!"
"Nico, calm down." Y/n unlocks her phone and checks her messages.

To her surprise there's nothing. She checks the date and it's still the same as the day she left. The 4th of December. "How is this possible", Y/n says.
"How is the date still the same?"
"I'm sorry, Y/n. I just started my research on this but I don't have anything. This thing and you are the only proof we have."

Y/n sighs. "You wanted to see stuff from my universe, right?" Both the demon hunters nod in excitement.

For the next hour or so they scroll through Y/n's pictures and videos. All of them share laughter and wonder but Y/n also thinks of something else. Sadness.

Are F/n and her mother okay?

"My god, your universe really doesn't seem to have any problems", Nero chuckles. "Oh, we do have our problems... those just don't include demons taking over the world."
Y/n sighs as she sees a family picture. A picture that actually includes her father.

"Well, uhm. Hey, who's hungry?" She quickly stuffs the phone in her back pocket. "I'll cook."
Before any of the two can say something Y/n quickly goes inside to cook dinner.

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