Chapter 1

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In this chapter, I'm going to be introducing many of the characters who will be in the story, so I wanted to address shipping. There will be little to no ships outside of the cannon, so please do not expect anything from ships.

Adding on to that last paragraph, I'm not going to stick to cannon all that much. Characters like Error404 and Nightmare, who canonically don't have/express emotions will have/express emotions (even if the change is only minor) so please don't bash me for this ah-hahaha...ha...

"Error404 speaking"

"Nightmare/Error speaking"

"Anyone else speaking"

Thinking is the same just without quotations ^^


(3rd person POV)

Error404 was in the Mainframe looking through code. His black-to-blue fingers moved quickly and smoothly across the code that went seemingly on forever.

He wasn't sure how long he'd been coding. Minutes? Hours? Days? He always lost track of time replacing, removing, and placing code. His eyes darted across the long lines of code, translating the different languages.

"Tsk. How annoying." Error404, mildly annoyed, said. He had found another missing piece and would have to go look for it himself. Normally he'd have Error destroy universes and collect the code he needed, but from time to time he had to get it himself. He placed his hands in his pockets and sighed. He had been at this for years, but there was still so much left to do. He stared blankly at the lines of code, watching them shift and change to account for all that was happening in the multiverse.

Honestly, he felt alright despite the fact he had to go look for code. The past month had gone by shockingly well. Error404 wasn't tired for the first time in... well... a long time.

The known multiverse, as of now, was at peace. Well, as peaceful as the multiverse could be. There was still fighting, chaos, death, etc. But even so, it was a lot more peaceful than normal. Though, Error404 didn't care about that. What he cared about was how he had been pretty much left alone for the past month and a half.

Being alone for this long was a pretty rare occurrence for Error404, as he would retrieve code from error Error pretty often making it almost impossible to be alone for more than a week or two... Well, that... and Bill!sans found immense joy in annoying Error404. Nearly every time he left the Mainframe Bill was there, prepared to be a bother and throw him off his game. But recently Bill hadn't been around, so he finally had time to focus solely on reviving Alphatale.

He was making great progress on Alphatale. He missed it. It was lonely. His friends, his world, his b̶̰̺̹͍͚̣̤̋̉̄͋͐̋͂̕ͅr̷̮̈́̉̐͊̓̅o̴̥̤͑̈̇̽͝ţ̸̢̼̞͚͉̠̖͎̽̀̌͜h̶̥̜́̾ẽ̶͉̫̪͎̘̣̄́̈́̓̏̅͜͝r. That's what keeps him going. The thought of them.

Error404 finally took his eyes off of the code in front of him, shook himself out, then teleported to a random AU. Although he knew it was highly unlikely that he would find the exact line of code he needed, he hoped he wouldn't have to universe-hop too much. 

He looked around the AU, light snow falling from the trees, "Snowdin... doesn't tell me anything about this AU." Complained Error404. He lifted his arm, with it the code of this universe, "Underswap, huh?" He walked around the outskirts of Snowdin, being careful not to let anyone see him, or perhaps even worse, take a picture of him. He looked through the code and continued to walk, completely immersed in it.

Some assume the code of a universe contains only what happens in the underground, or around Frisk. However, this isn't the case. A universe's code contains everything from the smallest atom to the largest galaxy. It's just that most of the time you only see the overview code, which holds the most basic of information about each universe, such as: what kind of universe it is, what the route is, and every monster's stats.

What Error404 was looking for was an oddly specific piece of code. He wouldn't be able to find it in the overview. He heard voices below himself and paused, looking down to see who it might be, "WORRY NOT BROTHER! THE MAGNIFICENT SANS WILL FIND YOUR MISSING SOCK! But maybe next time do not lose it, this is the 5th time this week and it's still Monday." Swap Sans said, clearly pissed off by his brother's awful sock-keeping tactics. 

Error404 watched the two bicker, entertained by their antics, "Haha that looks fun. Maybe we should try to fight like that sometime, how about it 404?" Error404 froze and looked over his shoulder, his eye sockets blacked out. On his left, Bill!sans had appeared. It seemed like his month and a half of peace had come to an end.

Error404 grabbed Bill and teleported away before swap Sans or swap Papyrus found him, glaring daggers into Bill all the while, "Something wrong buddy?" Bill smiled, holding back laughter. Error404's face was priceless! He looked like someone just told him he was about to go to war or something. Error404 looked like he was about to say something, but instead in a grand flash of light, disappeared. Bill looked at where Error404 had just been, "Wow how rude, not even talking to me." Bill sighed a sarcastic sigh, "This is why I'm his only friend. Well, better find him. Wouldn't want to be a bad friend! HAHAHAHAH!"

Bill began universe-hopping in search of Error404, but the only Error he could find was the dark one, "Aw, man! He probably went back to that place I can't get to. Oh well, I'll just have to go turn Ink's brush into a banana again!" Bill began laughing, quickly getting over Error404's absence.

"Bi1l? What the h3ll is a stUPid an0maly lik3 you d0ing here." Error said, fully aware that Bill was in the Anti-void. Bill floated over to Error before saying, "Well I was looking for Big Error--" "Error404." "--Yeah him. But I think he went back to his stupid base or whatever it is." Error looked at Bill, processing the information just given to him, "Something wrong, pal?" Bill asked. Though it was mostly a rhetorical question in Error's eyes. 

Error finally looked up after he finished processing what Bill said, "404 lives in a difFerent part of the Anti-void. @lth0ugh he doesn't l3t me in, he tells me wh3Never he gets baCk so 1 can give him code." The two looked at each other for a second before Error got up, glitching out, "Th@t guy caN't just leave! H3 has to uphold h1s end of thE deal! Don't tell me he cHic4ened out. No, Error404 isn't like tha7... I think." Error continued to mumble to himself about finding Error404 and kicking his a** for trying to leave without repaying what Error's done.

Bill stood there, confused by what just happened, "His secret base has been in the Anti-void this eNTIRE TIME?" Bill was less concerned over Error404's disappearance and instead mad at himself for missing something so obvious, "How could I have missed that!" Bill then had a bright idea. He would find wherever this mysterious base was, then wait for Error404 to get back and scare him so bad. In Bill's incomprehensible mind, this was the perfect plan.


Chapter 1 is done! 1283 words! Woohoo! Honestly, I feel like I made it too short. Is that just me?

Anyways though, just wanted to say I will not be uploading this quickly on the regular. I'm just bored right now and don't have anything better to do.

Just want to clear it up before anyone even assumes, Bill and Error404 do not have anything going on. 404 thinks Bill is annoying and inconvenient. Bill thinks 404 is funny to mess with and gives good reactions. Anyways, see you all next chapter!

Stuck in Fgod (Error404!sans)Where stories live. Discover now