Chapter 6

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Error404 was in a decent mood. The Sciencetale Sans he had just spoken to was amusing, and thanks to the fact that Error404 was in a good mood, he decided to make up the walk he couldn't take in Sciencetale and walk through Outertale to the area he left Ink in.

He closed his eyesockets and breathed in the fresh air of Outertale. It was nice. He honestly couldn't remember the last time he had felt so... at peace. He opened his eyesockets and kept walking, "Wazup, broski!" A colorful skeleton said, their voice somehow both filled with emotions and utterly devoid of them, "A little birdie told me that you totes took my bro, Error somewhere." The skeleton's glasses had the word "Yolo" on them.

Error404 ignored the skeleton, "Ya don't seem like dat much a talker, no worries tho! I got dis. I'm Fresh." Fresh held out his hand waiting for Error404 to shake it. Error404 continued to walk, once again ignoring the annoyance that was Fresh. He barely cared for the pathetic parasite. Not enough to kill him at least. Although it was pretty funny watching him scare the life out of Error.

He smiled at the memory, "Wow! Crazy cool broski! You just turned that frown right upside down!" Fresh exclaimed, following Error404. Error404 quickly wiped the expression off his face, replacing it with a frown.

Error404's eye twitched. It was beginning to be difficult to ignore Fresh, "Awwww. Frown'n already mah brotato? So sad." Fresh wiped non-existent tears away, "But my radical bro, you still haven't told me where my broseph Error is! And that's totes un-rad." Fresh's voice had a threatening undertone.

Once again, Error404 ignored him. Just a bit further, and he would have his... "chat", with Ink, "Helllooooo?" Fresh rolled in front of Error404 on his wheelies, getting in the way of Error404.

Error404 chose to be nice and ignore Fresh, walking around him. He pushed past a few bushes and went into the beautiful clearing where Ink should be. Emphasis on Should be. Ink wasn't there. Error404's eyesockets went empty and his browbones furrowed.

"Haha, wow. You seem kinda mad broski, some'n' the matter? Oh, right. Where's my bro, Error at?" Error404 who was running out of patience, punched Fresh and sent him back by 40ft.

Ticked off, Error404 cried out with anger, "WH-Y-Y THE H3LLlllll aRE YOU S-STILL HERE Y0U ANNOYING EXSCuuuuUSE FOR A SANS!" His voice glitched, echoing throughout Outertale. He rubbed the bridge of his nose and opened a window of code with his other hand.

Fresh, still flat on the ground from being thrown, made his hands into finger guns and pointed at Error404, "Woah, Nah brotato, that was wayyyy un-rad! You can't just be out here interup-" "Shut the [[FUNK]] up." Error404 interrupted, glaring daggers into Fresh, "Al-ighty then." Fresh let his arms fall to the ground again, keeping his mouth shut.

Error404 searched for Ink using the multiverses code, but for some unknown reason, all it could find was his Ink. Error404 slashed the window in half, "St@rs DAMN 1T!" Error404 roared, punching a nearby tree, leaving a large dent in it.

"Bro... That poor tree." Fresh chimed in, his glasses displaying the word 'un-rad'.

Error404 ignored Fresh, "Tsk. Must things always be so annoying?" He said, somehow reminding himself of Bill. Thinking about Bill now, he punched the tree again, but this time it snapped in half.

Fresh frowned even more, "Not the tree..." His glasses had the word "Nooo" on them. 

"Uhhh... what's up..?" A new voice said. Error404 turned to look at the source. It was Outer. Error404 nodded as if acknowledging Outer's existence. 

Stuck in Fgod (Error404!sans)Where stories live. Discover now