Chapter 4

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Hello dear readers ^^
I wanted to apologize for how long this chapter took to get out, despite not actually being that long. I had a seriously hard time figuring out what to write, and how to introduce 404 to the Fgod gang lmao.

Anyways though, please enjoy the chapter! ^^

"Error404 speaking"

"Error/Nightmare speaking"

"Anyone else speaking"


(3rd person POV)

Outertale was filled with hundreds of voices. A sea of panicked Sans' and Papyrus' the cause of all the voices. What had just happened? What was that portal? Should they be worried, even if it stopped growing? Was something going to exit it, or did they really stop the portal? Ink looked around at his group, he knew he had to calm them down. It was moments like these he missed Dream. 

Ink sighed and began to speak, "Everyone! Please! The portal stopped growing! The only thing that could fit in or out of it would be a single person, and that wouldn't do much to affect us. So we'll all be fine!" Ink's voice was calm, and his reasoning made sense, so Ink's group began to calm down. The portal had stopped growing, so they had stopped whatever was in it. Knowing Ink was right, they focused on the task at hand. To capture or kill the destroyer.

The portal began to make an odd humming sound, it was uncomfortable to hear, yet comforting to Error when he heard it. Error turned away from the portal and looked at Ink, who had readied himself to attack, or defend against Error, "I'm not sure what that was, but please Error, make this easier for the both of us and just give up." Ink's eyelights glared into Error's.

Error looked away from Ink, clutching his broken ribs, "Wh@T dID I ev3R dO...?" Error's question was rhetorical, He didn't expect an answer from anyone. But the question made Ink angry, Error had done so much! He destroyed carefully crafted AUs! And sure, some were just thrown together, but Ink cared about those ones too, "What do you mean by that? You know what you did! You destroyed AUs! Innocent lives are lost because of your destructive tendencies, you- you psycho!" Ink shouted, visibly shaking with anger. 

Error looked into Ink's eyesockets, taking a step towards him. He looked back at Ink, but just as Error was going to take another step, a bone attack hit him, destroying his balance, and he fell into the void.

Ink's group was silent. It was like time had stopped, "W-we won? WE WON!! The destroyer'z's gone!" A Mafia Sans hollered, celebrating their win. The others soon followed suit, cheering. Some had collapsed, relieved that the destroyer would never hurt anyone again. 

Ink stood there in the chaos of celebration. His eyesocket's widened. He ran over to where Error had fallen, but it was too late. Error was about to fall into the infinte darkness of the void, and he would never return. Ink processed what had just happened. It's not like he wanted Error to actually die. In fact, he wanted to redeem Error! Ink realized a while ago that Error was perhaps the only one who would ever be able to understand him. But now Error was in the void, probably dead.

He whipped his head around to look at his group, "Who just did that?" His eyes glanced over everyone present, his eyes landing on a Fell Sans. It was the same one who had stopped the portal. He pointed at the Fell!sans, "Was it yo-" Before Ink could finish his sentence, strings left the portal, passing by Ink and his group, and entered the void. Ink watched as the strings went into the darkness below them. What was that? Error's strings? But no, it couldn't be. Error had blue strings, they were black. And Error was in the void, dying or dead.

A loud glitching sound came from the portal, now above Ink, "What's happening now- and why in my AU?!" Outer exclaimed, concerned with the portal that had opened in his AU. Ink looked above him at the portal, it was glitching out. The portal had become the kind of blue you would see when a computer wasn't working right, and with a flash of light, someone fell out of it, the portal closing behind him. The entity landed right on Ink. Ink ended up face on the ground, but the entity who had fallen out seemed to be perfectly fine.

The person, which Ink realized was a sans, seemed to be the one who was controlling the black strings, "Tsk. That B@ST4RD li3d to me. This is clearly not the Anti-void, it must've thought it was fine to just- sEND m3 to wherever Error was." The entity ranted, glitching out. He seemed similar to Error in that way, yet everything else about him was different. Unlike Error, his voice was impossible to ignore and seemed to demand the attention of everyone near the entity. Ink observed that the entity also was able to control his glitch. The sans mumbled something about killing the... void? Ink wasn't quite sure, what he was sure about was that this entity was here to help Error.

Ink tried to speak, to ask who this skeleton was, why he was here and what he was doing. But it's difficult to talk when someone who ways a skele-ton is stepping on your head, making you eat dirt. So Ink had no choice but to stay silent. He made an attempt to teleport away, but for some odd reason, it didn't work.

"And why did that 1DI0T have to go and jump int0 the void?" The entity seemed to know Error, but who was this sans? Why had Ink never heard of them? Ink struggled to get out from under the entity's feet, "Hm? Ah, right. I forg0t there was more than one dumba** here." The entity remarked, acknowledging Ink's existence. Although he didn't get up off of Ink, and instead put more strength into the foot on Ink's head.

"This is taking too long." The entity flung his arm up, pulling up the strings attached to his phalanges. The string sprung up from behind the cliff, followed by Error. But something was wrong with him. Error had crashed. He was abnormally glitchy too, limbs glitching on and off his body, and he appeared to be dusting. The entity let go of his strings, letting Error fall to the ground, and grabbed him by the hood. He carefully avoided any bone-to-bone contact with Error. The entity then lifted his free hand and glitched open a portal that led to the Anti-void. 

The entity paused and glared down at Ink, "And you, I will return soon, so don't you even think about moving." The entity ordered, finally stepping off of Ink's head, "Do you understand?" Ink froze, unable to speak. He was terrified by the Sans' presence, "Ink. Do. You. Under. Stand." The entity snapped, authority filling his voice, "H-how... how do you know my name...?" Ink stuttered, still unable to get up due to the entity's other foot being on his back, "I never said y0u could aSk questions. Yes, or n0, Ink." The entity threatened, spitting out Ink's name like it was garbage. Ink was unable to speak, but he still managed to nod his head.

The entity took his other foot off of Ink, who was now gasping for air, "If I find yoU gon3, you won't enjoy what happens." The entity stated, his voice full of disdain. He then began walking towards the portal, dragging Error by the hood, "W-wait! Who... who are you?  Why are you helping Error? And... how do you know me?" Ink asked, scrambling to get up. Normally he wouldn't ask how someone knew him, but he had never once seen or heard of this Sans. The entity stopped walking and turned back to face Ink, "I holD no obligat1on to tell you anything. Just kn0w I'll be here for a while." The entity replied, throwing Error through the portal, "But you may call me Error404." The entity passed through the portal, disappearing as though he had never been there.


1404 words! Not the best for the time I had, I know, but at least the chapters here??

Anyways- I hope you enjoyed this chapter cause from here on out I have no idea what I'm doing w/ this book. It's of course going to follow Error404 around, but uh, I have no real plans past that B,)

Anyways, have a good morning, afternoon, or evening, and I shall see you next chapter dear reader!! ^^

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