Chapter 2

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Hello glamorous readers! Just wanted to mention before I start this chapter, I'm not 100% about Error404's lore! If I make a mistake with it, please correct me. Also, I know that in the prologue I had Void explain how there's only one multiverse, but "universe cluster" sounds stupid so I will continue to use multiverse-

Thanks a bunch, author.

"Error404 speaking"

"Error/Nightmare speaking"

"Anyone else speaking"

Thoughts are the same just without quotations ^^


(3rd person POV)

Error404 was falling. He was falling through an endless darkness.

He didn't know how long he had been falling, but he knew it had been a while. Before this, he was looking for code, yet in a brilliant flash of light, he ended up in this void-like place. Perhaps it was the void, he wasn't sure. He was certain this had something to do with Bill, who was always trying to make things worse for him.

"That annoying..." Error404 silently cursed Bill.

Of course, none of that changed the fact that he was still, indeed, falling.

He noted how he was going to fall on his back. Of course, he would survive the fall. He wasn't a mortal. But if someone who may be a threat were down there, they would have a good second to attack him. And he didn't want to take any risks. In an unknown place like this, it was best to be cautious.

Summoning a bone he kicked off it, sending himself spiraling before summoning a second bone and using it to steady himself. Now right-side-up, he put his hands into his pockets.

Error404 wasn't sure how far away the ground was, or how high up he had been teleported. but he was aware that the place he ended up was a bit like the Anti-void. The Anti-void was infinitely large, so he assumed this place was as well, "I might be here a while." Error404 scoffed.

He proceeded to fall for what felt like a few more days. Of course, there was no way to prove this, but it certainly felt that way. The silence that had been surrounding Error404 was broken by a voice, "He's on his way, right? Right?" A feminine voice said, voice full of excitement. Error404 thought about this for a second who was on the way? Was the voice referring to him? It didn't sound like Bill, which meant an entirely different party had summoned him to this void.

"This might get annoying..." Error404 said to himself, "Calm down, Fate. You are a deity. You can wait more than 5 minutes." A second voice replied, clearly pissed by the first's presence, "Plus, I feel he will arrive soon. So please just shut up." But just as the second voice said that Error404 dropped down onto what seemed to be the ground of this void, Landing flawlessly. He quickly began to assess the situation. On his left was a near impossible-to-see dark entity, whose form was changing. On the other hand, a lady to the right of him wore a long red dress and had a slight glowing aura.

"Oohh~ you're right! He's here!" The first voice said, clearly excited by Error404's presence, "Greetings, youngling, I am Fate. Goddess of fate. And you, are the new destroyer of my multiverse." Fate exaggerated her voice, clearly using magic to make it sound deeper and more intimidating. Error404 watched her, ignoring the rant about how it was up to him to not let the multiverse fall into chaos, "Mortal, are you listening to me? This is all very important." Error404 didn't respond to her, noting that she wasn't a threat.

He looked at the other entity, the strange one that was nearly impossible to see in this void. Its form was changing constantly, giving Error404 a headache. The entity seemed to shift uncomfortably when Error404 didn't stop staring at it.

"Hello? Youngling? Are you listening to me?"

Error404 looked back at Fate, wondering how such an annoying being managed to become a deity, "I don't care about who you are, or what you want me to do. Send me back to where I was before, and I'll consider sparing you." Fate looked at Error404 with a confused expression. This had never happened to her before. This mortal just spoke back to her, and not about accepting his fate as a destroyer, "HOW DARE A MERE MORTAL SUCH AS YOUR SELF SPEAK BACK TO ME?!" Fate screamed, her voice echoing through the void.

Error404 watched Fate have a freakout. Her hair was flying everywhere, and she was screaming as if her limbs were being chopped off. Error404, tired of the noise, used his strings and tied Fate's soul. Fate stopped screaming, and instead began to panic, "Void. VOID DO SOMETHING! WHAT'S HAPPENING?!" The entity, Void, ignored Fate's pleas and chose to instead back away from Error404, "Good choice." Error404 turned back to Fate, "Now, you. Who the hell do you think you are? Fate? No one cares. Just send me back, I was in the middle of something and don't have time to deal with the likes of you." Fate began to sweat nervously, realizing the situation she was in, "I-I can't do that-" "Th3n D1e." Error404 glitched out and began to squeeze Fate's soul "WAAIT- I  can still be of help! I'll find a way to send you back! Can't do that if I'm dead!"

Error404 paused his movements. He thought about what to do. On one hand, it would be difficult to find a way back, but on the other, he needed to find the code, "Until then you can use my multiverse however you want!" Fate squeaked out, interrupting his train of thought. But it wasn't a bad idea. He could continue searching for the code, and he was a bit curious about how this multiverse worked, "Fine. But if you take too long, don't expect mercy." Error404 released Fate's soul. As soon as he did, she collapsed on the ground unable to get up. 

Void watched this go down, glad it hadn't interrupted Error404. It knew Error404 was a powerful entity, but it had never expected that he would be able to so easily take control of a deity's soul. Void knew it would be best to stay on his good side, "If I may, I can open a portal to Fate's Anti-void." Void offered Error404.

Error404 looked over at Void, staring at it. Why would it want to help him? Well, he supposed that didn't matter. Error404 walked over to Void, hands in his pockets, "Go on. Open the portal. You said you would, right?" Error404 said with a slightly threatening tone of voice. Void quickly lifted one of its many arms, summoning forth a grand map. It zoomed in on one specific location before using another arm and opening a portal. Error404 looked at the portal, then back at Void, and without saying anything he teleported into it.

Void closed the portal and looked at the place Error404 had just been, "This is why I said to choose someone else." It hissed. Fate wasn't quite sure what had just happened, shocked by the whole ordeal. Never in her many years of living had she met a being like Error404, "Keep your end of the deal, Fate. Give me the string." Fate, still in shock, nodded and gave it a string of fate and was promptly kicked out of the void.

Now in the hallway, she got up and slowly moved back to her garden, still not quite comprehending what happened in the void. As she walked through the Hall, Karma saw her, "Hey, Fate, what's up? You seem kinda- out of it. Did Void reject your offer?" Fate shook her head no. The deal had gone well, it was what came after the deal that went wrong, "Thanks for worrying, but it's a private matter." Fate muttered, speeding up her walking speed till she couldn't see anything that passed her.

Fate came upon her window and walked into it. She'd have a lot of work to do from now on if she didn't want to die.


1370 words! I honestly don't know how I'm managing to get these chapters out so quickly, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It took me a while to figure out how I wanted Error404 to end up in the Fgod multiverse. But I feel this is a smooth transition.

Anyways, I'm not 100% percent about where I want this whole story to go, so it might be a bit all over the place. But thank you for reading and have a wonderful day/night ^^

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