Waking up in the Middle of the Night

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Ah so you woke up in the middle of the night I see. Don't worry this could be for no reason but it's best to make sure it's not for uh... other reasons, if you know what I mean. Don't worry this list is much shorter and and much more comprehendible. And hey if you read the rules on how to stay up late then you might recognize some of those rules in here. Just be warned, things may become distorted from being in the dream realm for so long.

Before we begin I always advise people to keep salt and holy water if possible on their nightstand. Before a night begins I recommend putting this on the bottom of their door to keep anything unwanted out. I also recommend closing any blinds and or curtains. This will keep them from staring in.

1. Depending what time you wake up there may be different procedures. But regardless of what time you wake up the first thing you should do is check your surroundings but I recommend looking at the floor. Because if there is someone in your room, trust me it won't want to make eye contact.

2. A knock will come whenever you wake. These knocks alone can determine how the rest of your night goes

2.A. if there is one knock, it is the gray figure. He wants to protect you and he is just letting you know he is there. If he is you may return to sleep.

2.B. if there are 2 knocks it is a human. Though sometimes those little bastards are tricky. So whatever you do, do not tell it that it can come in. If it's human, they will come in on their own.

2.C. if there are three knocks it is most certainly not human. At this time play dead, it will spare you if it thinks you are an inedible corpse

2.D. This is a rare phenomenon but if you receive four knocks, all you have to do is say, "I'm sorry, I'll leave shortly." In order to do anything after this remark, you must pray. It does not like the mentioning of the Holy Spirit.

3. Ignore the sounds throughout the house that you may hear. They are not worth investigating.

4. Keep your tv or some dim light source on at all times. If your parents enter and they see it on, they will get mad and start muttering about a waste of electricity. Do not pay them any mind. Keep pretending you are asleep.

5. If you live alone, do not worry. Put salt at all doors and leave an offering of meat on your doorstep. If Mr. Barnam comes while you are awake it is now your turn to handle him. You must tell Mr. Barnam the phrase that "Lucy will be back soon. But before you go, let me grab you a snack." And go to your kitchen, grab any form of meat you possibly can. Do not cook it. Simply hand it to Mr. Barnam and he will disappear. This event will likely not occur while you are awake, but if it does. This is a precaution. Do not ask who Lucy is. Do not ask Mr. Barnam anything at all.

6. If you hear whispers do not open your eyes. They are just watching for now.

7. If the phone rings while you are awake and the number reads '91212 1191212 251521' then let me stress do not under any circumstances do you let that phone ring more than necessary. Pick it up. A man will answer. He will say this exact script, "Hey it's Francis Mekwell calling again to see how you are doing." After this exact dialogue hang up. Hanging up sooner or later then this will result in him finding you.

8. After a 6 minutes if everything seems normal, return to sleep. It's safer in the dream realm currently

9. If you hear screams do not worry, it's not your family. Put on your headphones or turn up the volume of your tv, this should cancel them out

10. Remember to never look outside, it never ends well, especially for the last person who did it

Thank you for reading these rules. Your saving your own life. No we're not sure who Mr. Mekwell is, but he seems to be isolated to all things online including texting, calling, FaceTiming, even being connected to the dark web. We're not sure why but all we know is whenever he's involved, nothing good comes of it.

I hope these rules carry with you and just remember if you live alone, no one in that house is your friend. No one in there is family. No one in there is human. I wish you luck.

Yours truly ~[REDACTED]

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