Getting a Snack at Night

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Alright so let's say you get hungry at two in the morning meaning you have to venture to your kitchen. I do have to say this is probably the shortest amount of rules I have ever written but that doesn't mean you shouldn't follow them any closer then you normally would.

1. When getting out of bed, do not look out of any windows, and do not look into any mirrors.

2. If you have stairs in your house, there should always be 22 stairs. If there are any less, retreat back to your room. If you have no stairs, continue as normal.

3. Your parents will be alerted if you make enough noise. Be as quiet as possible.

4. If you hear light little footsteps, it may be a pet if you own one. If not lock yourself in the nearest room and plug your ears. Don't worry it's not your family that you hear screaming.

5. When you get to the kitchen itself try not to turn on any lights as this attracts them.

6. If you open the fridge and then you hear heavy breathing behind you, do not flinch, do not react. Instead pretend like you are looking for something in particular until you hear the heavy breathing go away.

7. Never eat any of the meat in the fridge after 11:00 p.m..

8. After retrieving your snack, quietly return to your room. If you followed all rules correctly, you will not hear knocking on your door. If you do, refer to rule four.

9. Ignore any tapping or scratching you may hear at the door. That is not your pet, if you own one.

Well that's all for getting a snack in the middle of the night. Honestly I just kinds think you should hide some snacks under your bed you know? Anyways enjoy the snack, I hope it was worth it.

Yours truly ~[REDACTED]

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