Rules for the park

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Hello again, and welcome to the park. Rather it be the neighborhood park, a water park, or perhaps a nature one, it should be very fun. Now regardless as you may know by now there are rules but as long as you pay attention and follow them accordingly as always you can enjoy your time and make it feel well spent at any of these locations. Now, let's begin.

1. When arriving at the park you should notice the sky turning and orangish red. Much like the sunset. If it it does not change then you must refer to rule 1.A.

1.A. If the sky does not change colors you need to find a pavilion and run and hide in it. It should offer some form of protection until they have calmed down enough.

2. You may not stay in the park any longer then two hours and twenty two minutes. Anything above that and you will no longer be human.

3. Don't worry about the 8'8 tall gray figure. He's simply there to observe and watch the children. We recommend not hurting the children in his presence.

4. There is another figure who has no face or eyes, but does have freakishly long limbs. This is the groundskeeper and he is simply there to take care of the park. Do not litter, do not break anything on purpose, and do not purposely annoy him. You will face dire consequences.

5. No child here will be human, it's best not to interact with them.

6. The parents like to watch from behind the trees. If you see figures in the distance that look relatively human then those would be the parents.

7. Occasionally orbs will float around the play ground. Do not mind these orbs, just do not touch them.

8. If you hear screeching from in the trees then you must run to the pavilion and you must play dead. That is the wendigo, and they are quite hungry.

9. It's advised that you don't wear any sort of scent enhancer such as perfume, cologne, deodorant, etc. it will make you much easier to smell.

10. Do not go into the woods no matter how convincing the voices are. We cannot retrieve your body if you leave the playground.

11. I know I said not to interact with children, but there is one little girl named Annabelle who has blond braids and a pink coat. If your nice to her, she may keep you safe, especially from other children.

12. An entity known as the "tour guide" may come around and ask if you want a tour. Decline and run, do not let him touch you.

13. If the sky ever changes color from its normal sunset ambience, then run up the slide and hide in the top part of the playground, they cannot climb that high.

14. Never go to the playground at the time of 4:44 [EASTERN TIME]. There is a clock in the playground that will always have the correct time on it. Use that to your advantage.

15. Do not go on the playground equipment unless it is the swings. If you do I cannot guarantee we can get you back. You may only go on the equipment if stated so.

16. A woman named "Mary" will come asking you if you've seen her grandson Joey. Do not speak to her, just point to the upmost part of the playground. She will cry, and eventually scream. That scream will sound inhumane but it is her fault for not following the playground rules better.

17. If you ever feel the ground sink beneath you then get onto the slide as quickly as possible but do not go any further then that.

18. When exiting the playground you may acknowledge the gray figure by waving. If he waves back your performance was good. If he remains still your performance was bad and they are now watching.

20. Make sure the sky turns blue as usual. If it doesn't, re enter the playground and follow step 1.A.

Well that's all. I really hope the playground experience is worth it because for me it's certainly not. Anyways enjoy your night, stay vigilant, and try to survive as always.

Yours truly ~[REDACTED]

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