8th period

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So unfortunately 8th period was put on your schedule. No this was not a mess up or mix up, it just means you have been... selected. At this time know that you are not in your own world. Here rules are weird but once the bell rings, you will be back in your universe. We don't know why this happens, as I stated in the school rules guide, we're still figuring things out about this entire school system. My apologies if things get redacted, some of it's still sensitive information.

1. Before going into 8th period, bring a mask. Not a surgical one, a full face one. And put. It. On.

2. I understand that the students here are distorted. I understand that they are absolutely horrifying and you just want to go home, I understand this is not what your used to. But please refrain from freaking out, the other students will get scared and unfortunately you'll be the one the staff have to take care of.

3. Put on deodorant, chew some gum, and shower everyday. This keeps the human scent off of you much as it can.

4. In the previous guide the color gray or dimmed lights did not concern you, but they do now. If the lights turn gray, they can sense you, just be still, if not staff will attack, they know you are not one of them. If the lights are dimmed do what you would if the lights completely shut off, run to the nearest bathroom with its lights fully on and smash the mirrors. Everything will return to "normal" soon.

5. The other students are not your friends. But if you see another student with another face, go to a teacher and point to them, they are not human, and they are not one of the students here. Trust me the teacher will take care of it.

6. Do not [REDACTED]

7. It's crucial to always check the sky color. If it is red then everything is fine. If it turns black, rub your eyes for 10 seconds, everything should have returned to as normal is it can get here.

8. There is a woman named [REDACTED]. Whatever you do, please [REDACTED].

9. Please do not ever say the name Anthony. This triggers a lights out or in this case a "dim lights" event.

10. If at any point in time the principle comes in, you are protected. This is very rare but if he does come in, you may show him your face. He will bring you back to your world and you will have the rest of the day off.

11. If you ever feel dizzy then there is [REDACTED]

12. Your teachers name is Pane. If they introduce themselves as anything else, run. Run to C 203.

13. If the students with no faces all suddenly face towards the ground, do the same. It is roaming now.

14. There is a rare event that can happen called sanguis pro sanguine. Again they really need to look at their Latin. But if this happens stab your hand, other students will do the same. Rub the blood on the door, this should satisfy them.

15. If Mr. Spades comes, that is not Mr. Spades. You must find the real Mr. Spades, he will always be in c hall 203. He will offer protection at this time

16. Under the slight circumstances, [REDACTED]. Then you have to take a bowl and [REDACTED].

17. The bell should ring at 4:04. At this time you may ask your parents to pick you up, or you can walk home. Either way you cannot take the bus, it is not here anymore.

18. Nothing you learn here will pertain to real life. Nothing here is worth noting. The only grade you will ever receive in this class is 'Z'. Do not ask what it stands for, we do not know, it does not matter.

I really hope since these rules are newer and more sensitive, not too much would get redacted. My apologies if they did. You know I never liked 8th period, always had the chills, and it was always unsettling. Seriously if you ever see the principle use that to your advantage, he's the only who understands where you came from and how to transport you back safely. I hope you have a peaceful rest of your day and perhaps I'll see you in 8th.

Yours truly ~[REDACTED]

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