The Bus Ride (morning)

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If you are a school student or have been at some point then you know that taking the bus is not the best thing in the world, but sometimes you have to. These sets of rules will help you survive the, and let me make this very clear, the morning bus ride. In my opinion this is worse then the afternoon set of rules, so take that as you will.

1. When you go down to your bus stop and it is light outside your best option is to stare at the ground. They are much more likely to not come out when it's light, but it's still better then risking it. If it is dark out or raining refer to rules 1.A or 1.B

1.A. If it is dark out be as quiet as possible walking down. When you get to the bus stop look down and close your eyes. Do not look up until your bus arrives. It should not arrive until 7:33 on the dot.

1.B If it is raining be silent, be still. Do not look up, do not look around. They don't have eyes, but have hearing greater then you, I, and everyone I've ever known combined. Do not look up until your sure it's 7:33 and it's your bus.

2. Your bus number is 77. If it is not this number, the bus will eventually move on. If the bus number reads 66 and you hear screams refer to rule 1.B. This bus exploded 50 years ago, but the bones and remains were never found.

3. When you get on the bus thank the bus driver but do not look in their eyes. At the least, nod at them for acknowledgment. This might help later.

4. It's advised that if you sit on the outside of your seat then you sit next to the girl with the purple hair. She's the only one who isn't hostile. At least for now. If you sit on the inside do not look out the windows. Keep your eyes trained on your phone or on your feet.

5. You can look out the windows as long as it's not dark or raining between the minutes of 7:38-7-42.

6. If the sky turns black rub your eyes for 10 seconds. Everything should go back to how it was before.

7. If a student becomes hostile it's recommended to stab them somewhere in the abdomen somehow. Rather that be with a pencil or something else. The corpse will be an offering to the bus driver later.

8. It's in your best interest to put in earbuds and sleep. Don't worry about the screams, it's unfortunate, but they must not have followed the rules.

9. At some point your phone might turn to the time: 25:21. Refer to rule 6 if this occurs.

10. If the purple haired girl becomes hostile, look outside the bus window. This is only 1 of 2 times you can do this without consequence. She will have calmed down after 3 minutes or so. She is usually not hostile but we put this rule here because she can cause a lot of... damage. If I were to tell you what she could do let's just say it would turn into something redacted.

11. If the bus suddenly stops and all the students faces have disappeared, run off the bus immediately. The bus driver will understand and open the doors. At this rate it's better to walk to school or simply just go back home.

12. When passing the street called 'sanguis pro nobis' close your eyes. You can open them but then you would be at extreme risk for mental trauma. They really need to study their Latin.

13. If the bus starts to stink offer the kid in front of you some gum or deodorant even. This helps keep away any guest from outside as it mask the "human scent" surrounding you all.

14. The bus has infinite gas and never breaks down. In the rare case that it does you have entered the wrong bus, and if you have I'm sorry. We don't have the school rules for that school yet.

15. You should arrive at your school at exactly 7:53. At this time play dead, the bus driver is looking for a snack. If you have the corpse, lay it out and they will eat that instead

16. When the bus driver opens the doors you are free to go. If the sky is red, refer to rule 6.

17. Good luck in school. When walking out of the bus, wave goodbye to the bus driver. They always spare good children.

The morning rules are a bit... much? But by the afternoon everything should calm down. Should. Anywho I recommend keeping holy water on you, it can help if you need to run from the bus driver. The bus driver is usually nice but they seem to get quite hungry after a long trip. They will in fact eat something other then human meat if your willing to bring in a whole chicken or steak. Though be warned, they might be very grouchy if it's not some form of meat. Anyways I hope these help someone somewhere and as always

Yours truly ~[REDACTED]

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