~Ch. Two~ Not so vicious after all..

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Quick A/N since I already warned you guys on Ch. One then there's no point in warning you again so yeah. Enjoy!



~Your POV~

As I was still backing away slowly the Male Murder Drone started growling even louder as it was following my every move. 'I don't think he liked the way i called him a "Good Drone"...' I thought to myself as my pupils were still constricted. As I was backing up I ended up bumping into something. So I turned my head slowly looking down over my shoulder to see my friends dead body laying limp on the ground missing a leg and an arm. I started to feel tears forming in my eyes as I kept staring down at her while hyperventilating from the fright and the shock. I then turned around to look back at the male Murder Drone getting closer to me now for some reason it was drooling, probably because it was the lack of hunger and to be honest I think in his vision I looked like a good meal to fill him up while he kills more Worker Drones. I kept looking at him in terror while I was getting ready to boot it the other way, so that's what I did and to be honest it was a bad idea since after I started running away it unfolded it's wings that were made out of blades, VERY, sharp blades and it took off into the air landing harshly in front of me and landing like he was some kind of Superman. (DUDUDUDUUUUU SUPERMAN GOOOOOO!!) I fell to the ground on my butt (Obvi the ass needs to have some impact with the ground) shocked by the fact of how fast it was when flying. It lifted its head to face you while still having that X on its screen which you could see from a mile away since you could see it through the dust that the impact had made when the Murder drone Hit the ground roughly. It got up and started walking towards you while getting it's claws ready to slice your throat open but instead they changed into normal hands and the X on its screen had disappeared while a pair of eyes showed up on its screen instead. You stared at it in fright but at the same time confusion while it was getting closer and closer until you had to lift your head up to see it's face, it had a sort of a worried and guilty look on its screen. There was quite an awkward silence until it decided to break the silence with saying "OH MY GOSH I AM SO SORRY FOR SCARING YOU I JUST THOUGHT THAT YOU WERE A HUMAN AND WELL MY SYSTEM IS MALFUNCTIONING A LOT RIGHT NOW AND!-" It was cut off by my very confused look. "Oh my fucking days it talks.." It looked at me and chuckled nervously while bringing its hand to the back of its neck and rubbing it gently. "Hehe.. Well of course we can talk! How do you think I communicate with my teammates?" It offered its hand for me to take to help me get up from the ground. I hesitated at first but then I took it and he pulled me up gently. "So let me get this straight, there's more of you?" I asked quite loudly so that it could hear me. "Yeah! You'll love em once you meet them! But I'm sort of the leader of the squad." It chuckled nervously while having a sheepish smile on its face. "Who am I kidding? I'm actually a useless good for nothing Murder Drone.." It whispered under its breath but loud enough for me to hear it and so for itself to hear. "WAIT IM NOT SUPPOSED TO TELL YOU THAT PART! OH BISCUITS!" It shouted in a frustrated tone and then sighed looking back down at me and then putting its hand for a shake to introduce ourselves. So of course I took it since i found out that it won't harm me and I gave him a slight shake. "I'm Serial Designation N, but most people call me N for short!" It said in a cheerful tone as it stopped shaking my hand letting me introduce myself. "I'm Y/N.." I said softly still not fully having trust in it. "What a nice name you have there!" It chuckled and then it let go of my hand. I looked up at it wondering whether it's a female or male so curiosity got the best of me and led me to wanting to ask. "Hey I have a question." I spoke getting the Drones attention. "Yeah?" It had a questioning look on its screen and waited for me to ask. "What gender are you? If you don't mind me asking of course." I chuckled softly and rubbed the back of my neck nervously waiting for an answer. "Oh! I'm a male! Obviously your a female/male so no need for me to ask. Right?" He questioned me and I hummed in response a "yeah". "So what do you do in your everyday life?" I questioned him whilst we started to walk down the hall again with me trying to ignore all the limp bodies on the floor and oil scattered everywhere on the walls and on the floor. "Well.. I haven't given much thought to it other than killing Worker Drones, drinking their oil so that I survive, trying to avoid the sun as much as possible since my system isn't made for high temperatures. And really that's about it. Oh wait! One more thing is that I mostly go hunting so yeah." He answered me with a quiet chuckle at the end which I thought was kinda cute.. 'Wait.. WHAT AM I SAYING HES A FUCKING MURDER DRONE!' I slapped myself mentally as I tried to hide the blush that was on my screen quickly trying to avoid eye contact with him as we continued walking down the hall.

OK IM DONE WITH THIS ONE ASWELL AND SEE I TOLD YOU THAT IT WOULD BE LONGER THIS TIME! anyway I hope you enjoyed this Chapter and don't forget to have a lovely day/evening/night!♡

Word count: 1051

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