~Ch. Seven~ Crusty Musty building

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~Third Person POV~

The fact that it was about sunrise time was making Y/N's task in finding the worker drone a little more difficult.

They didn't want to admit the fact that N was a dork and that they were like besties but sometimes he was a little annoying, now they sorta understood why J and V were so rude towards the male Disassembly Drone.

Once they saw that the sun was coming up, they started to panic a little since they needed to find shelter.
Now sprinting towards a building that looked very, very old.
At this point Y/N didn't even care they just wanted to find shelter as the sun was now radiating against their body.

(Ok uhmmm - I was looking for references of abandoned asylums and everything and I found this-)

(Ok uhmmm - I was looking for references of abandoned asylums and everything and I found this-)

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(Very eerie vibe

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(Very eerie vibe.. I like it)

Something sent chills throughout Y/N's body, if drones would have human skin, they would be having goosebumps from head to toe.

Walking through the halls of the what seemed to be an asylum, Y/N decided to explore the abandoned building since they had nothing better to do for the next few hours.

"I wonder what the others are doing right now.."

Y/N thought aloud as they came to a sudden halt when they heard some stairs creek to their right. Again.. and again..
They wanted to check it out but something in their body told them to stay where they were, and so they did.

The creeks had disappeared after a few minutes which led to Y/N letting out a deep breathe which they didn't even realise they were holding in.

Continuing their little stroll through the halls, they looked to their left to only see someone or something, walking down that hallway.

The little figure seemed to be the one of a child's, it had seemed to be a boy since you could tell by the hair cut and body type, pretty skinny but not too shabby.

This just creeped Y/N even more as they began to walk in the same direction the figure had gone.
It wasn't the best idea since everybody knows what happens in horror movies when one of the characters go after the ghost or murderer. (it don't end up pretty for em-)

After they had arrived at the spot where the thing or person had vanished, they searched for the possibility of it to vanish in a frantic manner.
They didn't have much of an idea how it had done so but something in their body was tugging on them the other way, they felt the urge to leave this asylum since the eerie vibe that this place was radiating from every single little corner and space of this building was screaming haunted.

They didn't really believe in ghosts or any of that crap but now.. they weren't so sure whether they should believe or not, but something again was telling them that those myths and rumours were true.

When walking back towards the exit of the abandoned, possibly haunted asylum.
Y/N felt a tap on their shoulder which caused them to spin around and elbow the person that tapped them, in the guts.

To their surprise it was the one and only dork, N.
N was now laying on the ground, curled up in a ball and holding his stomach whilst groaning in pain.

"How are you so strong yet so innocent looking..?-" N asked whilst still groaning slightly.

"Oh well I don't know, maybe because I actually work out unlike you, I mean. Your literally looking like a skinny stick-"

N just stared holes into poor Y/N, he looked at then as if they said that he looks like shit. (In a hurtful way- Btw sorry N-)

"..When did you become so mean?-"

"Lemme think about that... let's just say that I'm not mean, and that I'm just trying to open your ey-"

Y/N got cut off by N just staring behind them as if he had just seen a naked man.
They looked around to see what he was staring at to only see the exact same figure of a little boy, They both just screamed before running the opposite way.

Alr my lovelies, i just felt like there needed to be some comedy get some spooks in this chapter, don't worry I'm gonna write part dos on this chapter today since I have a lot of funk and motivation in me rn!

(Btw the little ghost boy that is in this chapter is the thing that I showed y'all recently-)

But yeah I hope you liked this chapter and all the other trashy ones-
I hope you are having and will have an amazing day/evening/night!
Bye my lovelies <3

Word count- 810

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