~Ch. Four~ Slumber Party!

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A/n: Continuing from where we left off on-

~N's POV~

I was just chilling in the pod on a chair and yanking a yo-yo up and down that was in my hand position. I was starting to get bored and I decided to look for something better to do until I heard a knock on the entrance of the pod. I walked over to it and opened it to look down and see the one and only Y/N with a smug look on their face.
"What now Y/N?" I say I'm a sort of unamused tone but still have my normal expression on. "Slumber party..." they gave me an creepy smile and an evil laugh to go along with it. "Oh no! You know it's risky and I do not like risking stuff!" I exclaimed as i stepped back in attempt to close the door but I was stopped by Y/N stepping in and standing in the doorway. "How the hell is it risky?" They ask as I look at them. "Because! J and V might come back from hunting while your still here!" I gave them a worried look and they sighed softly tilting their head to the side and giving me the puppy eyes. "Pweaseeeeeeeee..?" They pleaded and that made me blush a little before I sigh and face palm. "Alright. But if V and J catch you not my fault." They give me an excited gasp and they're eyes shifting into stars on their screen. "OHHH THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOUUUUU!!" They jumped up and down with excitement before jumping into my arms and making me spin them around while chuckled a bit at their enthusiasm. "Now don't get to excited about this." I place them down and they chuckle nervously before placing a hand behind their neck and rubbing it. "Sorry just, haven't quite had a slumber party in a few good years."

~Y/N's POV~

'I can't believe he actually agreed on having a slumber party!!' I thought to myself as i zoned out a little while staring at N for no particular reason. "Hey, Y/N? Hellooooo???"  N kept on waving his hand in my screen in attempt to snap me out of my trance. "O-Oh, sorry about that N.." "Nah it's fine but, you good?" He asked me in a concerned tone as he frowned his on his screen at me. "Yeah, why you asking?" I ask as I look at him while sitting on the control panel. "Just cause. What? Am I not allowed to ask my best friend if they're ok?" He says in a sort of sarcastic tone as he smiles slightly showing his fangs which I find kind of cute. 'Ok what am I thinking?! He's a fucking murder drone! A MURDER DRONE!' I mentally slap myself and I give him a sarcastic laugh as I flip him off just because I feel like doing so.

Ok sorry for leaving y'all on a cliffhanger again but I'm literally writing this at 03:13am in the morning and I can't rlly keep my eyes open so yeah 💀 but the good part is that the treat has finally arrived that we have all been waiting for which even I have been and that is the chapter! But yeah I'll be continuing it tomorrow since I can't keep my eyes open anymore like I said so yeah but I hope that you all have a lovely day/evening/night!

Bye my lovelies!♡

Word count: 594

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