chapter 10

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Alright people!! Ive updated and would love to hear feedback on ever chapter if you will.. Here we go


I ment what I told Vaeh. Im gonna get her. Probably in a couple of days honestly. I walked into the restaurant and Regan waved me over to the table. Moriah was already here.

"Where Kenz at?" Rylee asked as I sat by her in the circular booth.

"Idk, I left her in the car". I heard both of them smack their lips and Regan got out the booth mumbling some bs probably going towards the front. "Punk ass" was the last thing I heard before she was too far. Moriah shook his head chucking.

"What man?" I asked. He just shook his head like nothing.

"Bubba why you leave her in the car. You know and we know yall like each other. Stop being mean to her" Rylee said while pinching me. I swatted her hand away and nudged her towards Mo.

"Just wrong" Moriah said.

"Man ain't nobody being mean. All I did was tell her how I really felt about her. She didn't say anything so I left her and let her reflect on all I said"

"Word? You told her?" I shook my head while Rylee just smiled.

"Yeah man I want her but, I know her better than she knows herself at times. She scared to get in a real relationships after that little two day relationship she had with that fuck nigga." Rylee smacked the back of my head and when I was about to cuss she pointed her finger at me like I wish you would. Moriah just sat there laughing. Just then Regan and Vaeh walked up to the table. Vaeh put her purse down by Regan never looking up at everyone at the table. I looked at Regan and she's just smiling so I know she knows what went down.

"Im gonna go to the bathroom really quick" Vaeh said. I know she ain't have to use the bathroom. She didn't wanna be in a awkward situation so she trynna run. Not today. She turned to walk away but I grabbed her wrist. She looked at me and quickly looked forward away from me.

"Ma let me holla atchu real quick" I said standing uo pulling her towards the bathrooms with me. As we walked away I could feel her hands shaking. Idk why she so nervous its just me. We stopped and I trapped her on the wall putting both of my hands on either side of her head.

"What's going on in this big pretty head of yours?" I asked making her give me a quick smile but it quickly went back to the nervous fearful face making me frown.

"Ryan, I dont know. I wanna try but I'm not sure. I mean you know how I feel about you clearly and how I feel about relationships. Im scared what happened last time will happen again. And I know you Ryan. You sometimes-" I just kissed her. Slowly and Passionately so that whatever doubts she had were fading away. My hand snaked around her waist while the other held her face to mine. Her hand went around my neck and she stood on her tiptoe to come up a little. We kissed for another minute or two before I pulled away looking straight into her eyes saying nothing. What is there to say after a moment like that? That kiss was a conversation in itself. I just hope this will change things for the good between us now. We walked back to the table and I pulled her down next to me. The waiter came up took our orders and once she left I looked around the table to see everyone starring at us. I chuckled and once Vaeh caught on she just looked away embarrassed which made me laugh even harder. After that everyone started their own convo. Rylee and Vaeh started discussing their outfits for tomorrow. I looked over and saw Mo nd Ray talking. I shook my head cause I can already see whats going on. But as long as Mo dont hurt my baby sis we straight.

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